<p>ok so lets keep this simple
here are my stats:</p>
<p>transfer from UofArizona Biochemistry
going for biochemistry major
GPA 3.156 (i have 45 credits)
<p>didnt get to list any of my EC's
because i was using the SUNY application system.
I didnt write any essays either.
do you guys think that would hurt my chances? </p>
<p>Thanks a lot!</p>
<p>When it comes to transferring, all we care about is your GPA. No essays, no ECs, nothing else. Just your college coursework. You’d be admissible with that record.</p>
<p>Thank you so much.
Stony Brook is my first choice…!!</p>
<p>Actually, I have another question.
Would my gpa for just my science/math be also taken a look at?
I dont think they are as good as my overall gpa. </p>
<p>I’ve gotten C’s in general chemistry and honors calculus II
and a D in organic chem.
I retook the calc II and brought it up to an A
and got all A’s in my lab courses…
the rest are A or B’s. (biology, gen chem first semester, calc I, etc). </p>
<p>would this hurt my chances?</p>
<p>Typically, no. We’re going to look at your overall program.</p>