<p>what is the best college i can get into
id prefer a private college because they give more money and i dont care what region</p>
<p>here are my stats
Im a junior at a nondescript public high school in Arizona
Im a white male
I got a 183 on the PSAT
28 on the ACT
Im planning on taking the sat in may and improving on my act(goal of 31 or better)
Im also going to take the Math II subject test and I think ill do well in that since math is my best subject</p>
<p>Im looking at majoring in either math or engineering</p>
<p>By the time I graduate, I will have
About a 3.85 wieghted gpa
Taken 6APs and 3 honors courses
Completed calculus 3 at the local university
Captain of the tennis team 3yrs
NHS 2 yrs
2nd place in the regional chess tournament 4 times in a row(hopefully I can win at least once)</p>
<p>what are my chances at the University of Rochester or any other good schools you can think of</p>
<p>Will you complete atleast 3 AP courses by the end of your junior year? A “28” is a solid score…but if you can improve to a “31”, it will put you in a far more competitive market. You should consider Case Western Reserve University (solid school, you might like it…Ohio is the only downfall), University of Southern California (a reach for you, but an outstanding engineering program), Cornell (reach), Loyola Marymount University (safety), Williams College (reach), Sarah Lawrence (safety) but an outstanding school, University of Rochester is a good match for you, and Akron University (good engineering program), and NYU (a good match).</p>
<p>Try to raise your sat score, My junior year I got a 183 on my psats, and on my sats my senior year, i got a 2170…If you can raise your scores, your esialy getting into University of Rochester, and you can start looking at some nationally ranked schools like, Rice, Cornell, Vanderbilt, Emory, Duke, Johns Hopkins…</p>
<p>raise ACT a bit to 29-30, nothing big. Thats for Rochy. Also, u have a weighted avg., that most kids have for unweighted so realize u gotta boost it if you can, avoid B’s this year. If I were you I would check into Case Western, Fordham, Vanderbilt, and for a more safety school University of Pittsburgh ( it is a state school, but really you can’t tell) Also Syracuse University is a good one to check out.</p>
<p>yeah i would say the same
try to improve your ACT score (not too hard to do)
and you should be set for a number of universities
the posts above give the names of the universities i was going to give
your ECs are a bit weak, so try to make up for that with your standardized test scores.</p>