Chance Me Please!!!! I will chance back, I Promise.

<p>Hello, Thanks for viewing/ replying in advance!!</p>

<p>Anyway, I am a Hispanic/White-American male from a decently competitive high school in New York. Right now, I am a prospective junior, that is looking to apply to fairly competitive and arduous colleges, located in the Northeast.</p>

<p>After looking at a substantial amount of colleges, I have concluded that I would, indefinably, like to affiliate and be accepted to Vassar College; to which, next fall, I am going to apply EDI. Other colleges I have looked at are Wesleyan, Trinity (which I know I can get into), Middlebury, possibly Brown, NYU, and many others. </p>

<p>Here are my grades, EC's and other prospects. </p>

<li>I have an unweighted GPA of an 3.7</li>
<li>I am in the top 10% of a class of 305</li>
<li>I am on the National Honor Society: which, by many other schools standards, to be more prestigious and competitive.</li>
<li>I participated in the Expanded Horizons; which is a group of intellectuals who expand their horizons by going to different schools to meet other teachers and students.</li>
<li>I take the most rigorous classes my school offers for my age and grade.</li>
<li>I have taken a number of AP's and honors.</li>
<li>I have more than 100 hours of community service.</li>
<li>I have had attained many different academic awards.</li>
<li>I participated in Nordic Skiing freshman year until an injury took me out of sports.</li>
<li>By the end of Senior year I am going to be taking 5 years of Spanish, 5-6 years of Science, 4 years of Social Studies,Math, and English; receiving mostly A's.</li>
<li>I am Project Lead the Way courses, which are college engineering courses from RIT.</li>
<li>Overall I have had countless hours of research on anti-gravity and have made a fully functional anti-gravity lifter.</li>
<li>Created a band</li>
<li>I am apart of the Naval Sea Cadet Corps.</li>
<li>Many other prospects that I can't think of right now.</li>

<p>Standardized Tests:
I have not taken the SAT, the SAT II's or the ACT, but I will soon. On the PSAT I received a 217, which qualifies me for the National Merit Scholarship (which I probably won't get =/)</p>

<p>Can you tell me If I have any chances at college, specifically Vassar. Can you also tell me anymore colleges I should look at. Please and Thank you!!</p>

<p>I think you have a really, really good chance at Vassar, Wesleyan, and especially Trinity. Brown and Middlebury are difficult for anyone, but you definitely have a shot. You seem to be looking at LACs, so I would suggest looking at Bowdoin, Amherst, Colby, Colgate, Bates, and Williams. Based on the schools you already listed, you might like the vibes at Pomona or Pitzer, although they are out west. Try to visit schools during the summer…it changed my perspective a lot. If you have questions about LACs, it’s my area of expertise, so let me know.</p>

<p>Dude you sound like a total hipster. Brown and Vassar? Rock on man. Rock on.</p>

<p>I think you’ve got an excellent shot at Vassar, assuming your SAT is on approximately the same level or higher than your PSAT. You’re probably a match for Wesleyan and NYU as well. However, Brown is most likely a reach.</p>

<p>I think you are on track to being a great applicant, keep up the good work, and do well on standardized tests, Your ECs are good and your race is helpful :slight_smile: lol.
Best of Luck !</p>

<p>chance me back please</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>First of all, you seem like an awesome individual. With strong essays and SATs to match your PSATs, you’ll get into Vassar no problem. Brown is still a bit of a reach, but it’s not impossible. NYU is a good match, too.</p>

<p>Pretty much the only thing that’s a mid to high reach for you is Brown, like everyone else though lol. WIth your National Merit, which idk why you think you won’t get as your already qualified for Semifinalist, or at least here in Texas you are :)</p>

<p>As for the others on your list, you shouldn’t have that much of a problem getting in, although NYU maybe a high match…
Chance me back please?
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Greats chances but I need to know your tests scores until I can get a clearer picture.
Chance Back <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>With the good work you have done so far I would say NYU is a match. Vassar seems to be well within reach if you score well on tests but you are looking strong. Please chance me: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I would like to breath life into this thread… Any ideas</p>

<p>You have a better chance than ScholarBound…wait you’re the same person.</p>

<p>Get over it. we are not the same person and can you at least respect this thread and really chance me!</p>

<p>If you get good SAT scores like you’re PSAT, I think you’d be a great applicant.</p>