Asian - Japanese
Private International High school in Singapore</p>
<p>Unweighted GPA: 3.6/4.3
Weighted GPA: 3.8 (my 10th grade was really bad. so its a bit down hill but i think it will go up this year to about a 3.85, if i apply regular and send the 1st semester grades)
Rank: top 25%</p>
<p>SAT I: 2010 (W 730 M 700 CR 580) - will retake Oct SAT (assuming 2100~2200)</p>
<p>SAT II: Chemistry 780 (Will take Math 2)</p>
<p>12th grade Schedule:
AP Calculus BC
AP Spanish language
AP English lit
AP Microecon
AP Chemistry
Biology (Not AP/IB)
Band Orchestra (Advanced)</p>
Amnesty International (9-12)
Volleyball Varsity (9-12)
Volleyball outside of school (5-12)
SAT Tutor at School (10-12)
Habitat for Humanity (10-12)
MUN (9-11)
Performed oboe in several solo concerts outside school (4times)
Varsity Band (10-11 maybe12)
MUN club (9-10) should i include this?</p>
Internship at Suzuki (do i have to include the hours i worked?)
Worked at my dad’s office during the summer
Helped my cousins with SSAT during the summer</p>
<p>Do you think i have a chance?
What should i improve on? (other than the grades D=)</p>
<p>Dear nanaboom : Your current three-way SAT at 2010 is a midpoint score, but your critical reading score at 580 is subpar. For you to achieve your target between 2100 and 2200 as stated, the likelihood is that you will gain at best 10 or 20 points (the value of one question as you head upwards into the 700 range). This means that you are looking at 60 to 100 points in the critical reading section which is a huge scoring change. Honestly, you can target any numbers that you desire, but the question really involves what has changed since you last examination sitting?</p>
<p>Your unweighted GPA at 3.6 from 4.3 is a 3.34 on a 4.0 scale and that B+ average is well below the accepted point in many cases. As a top 25% student in your current class, you are also in a somewhat tough spot as 80% of BC’s entering class is top 10% while 96% is top 25% - therefore competition will be very tough for you based on the numbers.</p>
<p>You have an excellent senior year program with AP courses. Given that you are taking Calculus BC, why take the SAT II in Math 2? Better to be sure that you have language placement data (at least for Boston College) particularly given that you already have an SAT I Math score in the 700+ range.</p>
<p>As an international, you have a clear shot however on the pure numbers here, you are below the midpoint overall. Chances of admission are probably 40% based on the strength of other international applicants. Good luck to you.</p>