Chance me please. n___n

<p>Ugh I was just rejected from Cornell ED. (unsurprisingly - you’ll see why) Boston College was always a close second for me, but I guess I’m kind of glad I now have the chance to apply and maybe even go. I’ve heard mixed opinions on the selectivity of this college, so it would be awesome if someone can tell me if I have any chance at all.
Here are my stats:</p>

<p>For Biology or Chemistry major - want to go into pre-med.</p>

New York resident
Korean American (was born in America)
Competitive (apparently) Catholic High School of over 750 students per grade.</p>

<p>GPA: 93.9% (don’t know if it’s UW or W)
Rank: top 20% (school doesn’t rank - this is according to this chart thing my GC had. 94.1% and above are in top 10%. That number, however, never changes from year to year, so it’s probably not that accurate, in my opinion)</p>

first time: 1950 (1310 CR + Math) (680M, 630CR, 640W)
second time: 2070 (1410 CR + Math) (750M, 660CR & W)
SAT IIs (the part that kills my chances):
Biology E: 570 (taken Sophomore year)
Math IC: 640

  • retook both last Saturday, hopefully did a little better - </p>

<p>Essay: Ehh. Okay I guess.
Rec: 1 amazing, another I don’t know.
GC Rec: Pretty good, I suppose. My GC likes me. :)</p>

<p>EC: Math League (2 years), Biology Club (4 years), Anime Club (2 yeards), Korean club (1 year), Key club (2 years), Volunteered at nursing home (70 hours), volunteered at YMCA (135 hours), soup kitchen once in a while (xD), went to summer at Columbia 2007 - got a really nice letter from the teacher of my course, took Public Health and Genetics in Molecular Biology.
Also in Spanish Honor Society.</p>

<p>Courses: 1 honors as freshman, 2 honors as sophomore, 4 honors as junior, 1 honor and 2 APs this year. </p>

<p>The thing is, I don’t have leadership. My school also didn’t offer many APs when I was a sophomore and junior. (around 1 soph year, 2 junior year - I opted not to take them. :/) Apparently, they offer a lot more now. Jeez.</p>

<p>Thank you for any comments in advance. :)</p>

<p>being a minority helps a decent amount for BC. did you try the ACT? i did okay on subject tests too (650 USH and 670 Math 2) but i did a lot better on the ACT + Writing (31 composite and 12 writing), and BC accepts that in lieu of subject tests. I’d say you have a decent shot for getting in, good luck! </p>

<p>chance me back??</p>

<p>No, I’m not a fan of the ACT. lol I think it’s a little too late now too.
& thank you!</p>

<p>I would chance back, but I know absolutely nothing of the application process. I wouldn’t want to bring you down, but at the same time give you false hope. Sorry about that. ^^;</p>

<p>bump bump? :O</p>