<p>School list:</p>
UT Austin
<p>Intended Major: Double-major, Biology and Physics, with intention of continuing on to a MD/PhD program.</p>
[ul][<em>] ACT: 34
[</em>]SAT: Single Sitting: 2360 (760 M, 800 CR, 800 W, essay 11). Supermaxed 2380 (780 M)
[<em>]SATII: 800 in Math II, BioM, Chem
[</em>]GPA: Current school: 4.0/4.0. Previous school: 107/100 (weighted)
[<em>]Rank: Current school doesn't rank, ranked 9 out 700+ at old school.
[</em>]Senior Course Load (all dual-enrollment): Cal-based physics, Multivariable Calculus, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Political Science, American History, Statistics, Macroeconomics, World Literature.
[<em>]APs: Biology, Chemistry, Calculus BC, and World History, all 5s. (Note: My high school doesn't offer APs, so I had to pull some strings/pretend to be a homeschooled student to take the exams at all. Most of the people at my HS have like 2-3 APs, if at all.)
USA Biology Olympiad 2010 National Finalist. Earned a silver metal (5th-8th place).
Member of NHS, [school] chapter.
National Merit Semifinalist
Duke Talent Identification Program Grand Recognition
[County] Chapter:
Mathcounts: 1st place Countdown (7th-8th grade), 1st place Individual (7th-8th grade), 1st place Team (8th grade), 2nd place Team (7th grade).
Siemens Competition Regional Finalist (12th grade).
Academic Octathlon: Math 1st place (9th grade)
Academic Decathlon: Math 2nd place, Econ 2nd place, Social Science 3rd place, Super Quiz Individual 1st place, Super Quiz Team 3rd place (10th grade).
District :
1st place University Interscholastic League (UIL) for Science (7th-8th grade)
1st place UIL for Calculator (7th grade, competing on the 8th grade level)
1st place UIL Mathematics (8th grade)
1st place UIL Number Sense (7th-8th grade)
3rd place [District] Scientific Olympiad (8th grade)
Academic Decathlon: Math 1st place, Super Quiz (Introduction to Evolutionary Biology) 2nd place. (10th grade)
3rd place [Middle School] Scientific Olympiad (8th grade)
Chemistry Outstanding Freshman Competition for <a href="11th%20grade">local University</a>
Recipient of the [Current High School] Research Scholarship.
2004 Gillock Contest (for piano) 4th place.</p>
[<em>]Ethnicity: Asian :( Born in China, lived in Switzerland (for like 9 months), now US citizen.
[</em>]Languages: Speaks Chinese and French (and English, obviously).
[<em>]Gender: Female
[</em>]School: Current school is a math and science magnet boarding school with 175 students (currently, people fail out/get kicked out occasionally.) Previous school was a pretty good public high school.</p>
2006 Summer: Duke Talent Identification Program (TIP) at Davidson: State Your Case
Three week course on how to logically analyze and present arguments in an oral manner.
2008 Spring: Duke TIP e-studies: Academic Writing
Three month e-course on how to write and analyze academic essays
2009 Summer: Duke TIP at Duke West: Strategic Decision Making
Three-week course that analyzes how successful businesses stay afloat in today’s economy.
2010 Summer
8 weeks of research and USABO competition.</p>
[<em>]MAθ/Math club (6th-11th grade). Participated in various competitions. Qualified for the AIME test in 10th and 11th grade; held the highest AMC score of 2008-2009 at [previous school].
[</em>]Volunteering: This year, I'm mostly tutoring (with 4-5+ hours a week, on average). Last year, I kind of bounced around and did whatever I could fit into my schedule (stupid me took French 2050 and had to really work to keep my 4.0).
[<em>][City] Asian American Youth Orchestra: Once a week rehearsal for 2.5 hours. Two concerts per semester. (9th-12th grade)
[li][Previous school] band: 2007 Fall Marching Band. 2008 Spring Concert Band.[/li][</em>]Piano: 2000-2010</p>
<p>Other skills
[<em>]I taught myself HTML and am currently teaching myself C. I also taught myself how to use the programs Photoshop and GIMP.
[</em>]I enjoy building things and have once rigged up a garage-door opener to solar panels with my father.
[<em>]I am a co-author for the blog Misplaced Microphone (misplacedmicrophone.blogspot.com), under the screenname Corpus Callosum.
[</em>]I am capable of speaking Chinese and I have taken three courses in French, ending with Fren 2050 (Intermediate French).</p>
[li]Started in Spring 2010, four publications so far with my name on them, one as first author. Journals: Fluid Phase Equilibria, Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. Learned how to use PASW Statistics, self-taught Visual Basic for Applications and used it to make a software package that made my research work so much faster/more accurate.</p>[/li]
[<em>]Used mostly to shore up my weak points - for example, I pointed out that I had really no chance for formal leadership, since my previous high school restricted most positions to juniors/seniors (and I switched before junior year) and my new high school restricts to just seniors and has limits to how many leadership positions one can apply for.
[</em>]Generally long (but apparently my long stuff reads really well...) and very personal.</p>
[li]Fairly sure they were strong (never looked at them). One of my recommenders was a Purdue and Stanford Alumni.</p>[/li]
[li]Siemens Regional Finalist and USA Biology Olympiad National Finalist/Silver Medalist.[/li][/ul]</p>