Chance me PLEASE! (TCU, SMU, UT Austin, Baylor)

<p>Okay so I am a junior at a very competitive high school that offers both IB and AP courses. I messed up my freshman year receiving a 3.4 gpa but I was in very difficult classes freshman year such as chemistry, and honors alg. 2 :(( through summer school, and AP courses I have increased my GPA. Below are my stats, please chance me and let me know if I am eligible for any scholarships either. Thanks so much, and if you go to TCU, please let me know what your stats where to get in, and how you are liking it!</p>

<p>Cumulative GPA: 3.7/3.8
Class Rank: 66/610
ACT: 32
AP courses: 4 junior year (calc ab, micro, lang, psych), around 4 senior year (stats, spanish,lit,macro)
EC's: Varsity Golf team, Orchestra, Diversity Club, Interact Club, DECA, Younkers Teen Ambassador, Amnesty International.</p>

<p>I am working on getting a job, and doing more volunteer work.</p>

<p>I started a book drive in middle school that was extremely successful and we ended up sending around 6,000 books to our sister school in Africa. I was also NJHS president, and won a state speech competition! (all in middle school)</p>

<p>Thank you so much! If you know anything about SMU, UT Austin, or Baylor please let me know as well :)</p>

<p>I’d say you have a good chance at TCU since your ACT alone is in the top 25%. <a href=“”>;/a&gt;
Same with Baylor, in fact with your scores you would get a nice scholarship too <a href=“Estimate Your Bill | One Stop Student Financial Services | Baylor University”>Estimate Your Bill | One Stop Student Financial Services | Baylor University;
Probably SMU too
I simply know this because I got accepted to all 3 with a 34 ACT and am getting offered nice scholarships for top achieving students. Check out the pages on here and see the stats of people to get accepted. Good luck and keep working hard.</p>

<p>Thanks so much for the info! What is considered a ‘nice scholarship’ to you? Almost full tuition or no? Thanks again!</p>

<p>By nice scholarships I have been invited to interview for full tuition at TCU. SMU has given me 2/3 and I am hoping for more. Also Baylor have me half tuition and I am applying for a few more leadership scholarships there. </p>

<p>Also remember that good grades and scores do not guarantee admission in anyway. Your activities, clubs and community service as well as essays are very important. Also your activities from middle school will not be considered. Your E/Cs look very good though. Good luck throughout the rest of your junior year. </p>

<p>thank you so much! let me know where you end up going (:</p>

<p>Baylor is kinda weird with who they accept. I applied early because they kept emailing me about an “easy application” with no essays or anything. Only took like an hour to do. I’m really involved with band, StuCo, debate, BPA, and an outside of school organization and your scores are way higher than mine so I’d say you’re in. They even gave me an academic scholarship</p>

<p>I agree, my son attends SMU with a 34 ACT, 1440 SAT and is a President’s Scholar-full ride. You will get accepted to all three schools, about 25-28K in scholarship from SMU and probably a chance to interview for full ride at TCU. My son has a 3.98 GPA currently at SMU-it was the perfect choice!! good luck</p>