Chance me please! UCSD, UCD, UCI, and UCSB

I was only one of 30 out of 750 to take Algebra 1 as a 7th grader, so as I went up to high school, only around 30 kids my age took the same math as me at the same time.

Only a 3.67 UC GPA. Uncapped it is a 4.00.

I took 3 honors freshman year (all that were available)

4 sophomore year (did regular precalc)

4 junior year ( did regular english)

4 senior year (regular english)

I was one of only twenty to receive the AP scholar award after sophomore year.

My AP scores: Human Geo: 5 Art History:3 Euro: 3 Env Sci: 3 Calc AB: 4 US Hist: 4

Currently in AP Macro/ AP Gov, AP stats, regular english, AP Chem, and AP Comp Sci

34 on ACT, 35 Science, 35 Reading, 32 English, 32 math, 9/12 essay
SAT; 760 math , 720 reading, 20 essay

didn’t take SAT subject tests

applying as Comp Sci or Chem major.

Big issue is grade trend. Beginning of soph year I had 4 A’s and 2 B’s, but due to some emotional issues, got 6 B’s second semester, including in Chem. Junior year, got 2 A’s, 3 B’s and 1 C (in honors physics) and 2nd semester got 4 A’s, and 1 B i worked my butt off for in AP calc and another C in honors physics. I’m super worried about what the C in physics will do, especially since I’m going to be a STEM major. I love math and science and am good at it, it was just too hard to focus on the impossible AP Calc class (which the valedictorian got an 85 in) and honors physics at the same time… The finals killed me, the way it was taught wasn’t the right learning style for me, and I was in a horrible and unchangeable lab group that failed most labs.

I’m also in state, top 15% of my class.
I volunteer about 250 hours per year.
President of Lion’s Heart (community service org) and past secretary
member of mock trial oc champion team (out of 40 teams) (alternate but put in a ton of time)
VP of service for Rho Kappa (social science honors society)
job working for the city
Key Club

Thanks to anyone who read all this!
If anyone has any input that would be great as I am so stressed out.

The UC’s will be tough for CS and your GPA is below average for 6 of the 9 UC’s. ACT is competitive. Make sure you spend time on your personal insight essays.
I would target Santa Cruz, Riverside and Merced.
Chem might be a slightly easier admit. Consider some top Cal states so you have options.
Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.40-3.79:

UCB: 2%
UCLA: 3%
UCSD: 6%
UCD: 15%
UCSB: 14%
UCI: 13%
UCSC: 59%
UCR: 78%
UCM: 92%

Best of luck and apply widely.

UCR and UCM are likwly to take you. UCSC could go either way - the others, probably not.

This is a great example of too much course rigor. Sometimes, less is more. I imagine a lighter course load would have prevented you emotional troubles Soph year. If you replaced just AP Calc and H Physics with easier (but still a-g qualified) math and science classes and you would been less stressed out, had more free time and, I bet you UC GPA would be in the 4+ range. and you’d be competitive at the mid tier UCs

I’d suggest you drop the AP Chem and perhaps the AP Comp Sci class and replace it with an open period or an EASY elective. There’s simply no up-side to burdening your Sr schedule with that kind of workload at this point. A C in any Sr class can result in having your acceptance pulled at most UCs. Seriously, don’t mess around with fate.

Apply to the UCs that interest you but, also some CSUs, SDSU, CPP and CSULB have strong Chem and CS departments. Because of your strong test scores and ECs, i’d also apply to a couple of privates. LMU and USD may offer you some merit aid.

Good luck and enjoy your Sr year.

You will need to take at least the Math II Subject test for UCSD and UCSB if you intend to apply for CS. UCSD also wants a subject test in a science.

not to sound fatalistic but, UCSD wants a UC GPA around 4.2, UCSB, is looking for something close to 4.1. The OP has a 3.67. GPA is king at UCs so even perfect scores on a couple of SAT subject tests won’t make any difference. I wouldn’t waste time on subject tests.

Thank you for all your input! Also anyone know if prepscholar’s admissions calculators are any good? UCSD, and UCSB were at 50% odds for me and UC Davis was 55% and UCI was 67%. Truly, I just really want to get into UCI as I could commute and I’m hoping that my upward grade trend last semester and high ACT could offset my subpar gpa. My thing is, while I know my GPA is in Merced, Riverside, and Santa Cruz range, does anyone know if my ACT score would at least make me competitive for UCI?

Your ACT is above the 75th percentile while your UC GPA is below the 25th percentile. UC’s are very GPA focused and UCI does love those 4.0+'s.
Adressing your personal issues in one of the essays can help explain your grades. Definitely apply but make sure you would be happy attending some of the solid Match schools on your list.
UCI Freshman profile:

GPA and test scores of middle 25%-75% students

High School UC GPA: 4.00 - 4.25
ACT Composite Score: 26 - 32
ACT English Language Arts : 24 - 30