CHANCE ME PLEASE- University of Michigan Ann Arbor

<p>Hey guys, I was wondering what my chances are of getting into the University of Michigan Ann Arbor's Biotechnology (Undergrad) program- Check out my high school transcript</p>

<p>Freshman Year-
Algebra I
CPE Science
Honors English 9
Honors Global Studies
French I
Business Management Foundations
GPA (UW)- 1.8</p>

<p>Sophomore Year
English 10
American history
French II
GPA (UW)- 2.1</p>

<p>Junior Year
Honors Algebra II/Trigonometry
Biology II
English 11 Honors
French III
Art I
GPA (UW) 4.0</p>

<p>Senior Year
Honors Pre-Calculus
AP Statistics
AP Biology
Introduction to College Level Biotechnology
AP English
Honors Sociology
French IV Honors
GPA (UW) to be determined</p>

<p>Okay guys, so I had undiagnosed ADD and severe depression through my freshman and sophomore years and my grades showed... but then I picked up the pace so if I get like straight A's through my senior year what do you think are my chances of getting into University of Michigan's Undergraduate Biotechnology Program?</p>

<p>Probably still pretty low...</p>

<p>I'll probably end up going to Kent State in Ohio for two years then transferring to Michigan to finish my B.S.</p>

<p>But still chance me! Give me a percent like... 50% or 75% or 0.0000001%</p>

<p>MODERATOR NOTE: Please post all Chmances threads on the What are my Chances? forum.</p>