Chance me please

<p>schools applied to: UF, FSU, UCF, FIU, Ohio State, Purdue
accepted at: UCF, FIU, Ohio State (so far)</p>

<p>Florida Resident</p>

<p>Sex: Male
Ethicity: Asian/Black
Applying major: Computer Science</p>

<p>GPA: unweighted = 3.61/ weighted = 4.68
Ranking: 32/644 (top 5%)</p>

<p>SAT super score: 1850
SAT subscores: Math-640, CR-590, W-620
ACT composite: 25
ACT subscores: English-27, Math-26, Reading-26, Science-21</p>

<p>AP: World History-3, Psychology-3, English Language-3, US History-4, Drawing Portfolio-2
Currently taking: Calculus AB, English Literature, Government</p>

National Honors Society- sophomore-senior year
Student Government- Senior Year
President of the breakdance club- junior & senior
Secretary of art Club - sophomore year</p>

AP scholar
Published Poet in an anthology
Principal's Honor Roll: 9th grade
3.5+ GPA sophomore year
exceptional performance in Analysis of Functions</p>

<p>335 Community Service Hours
Regular Relay for Life team member</p>

<p>I think you have a good shot. The community service looks really good (I have about that many hours, too).</p>