<p>Junior at top public school in Metro Atlanta, GA
Rank: 7/465 (Top 2%)
GPA: 4.0/4.0 Unweighted, 4.321/5.0 Weighted
White Male (Unfortunately...)
All Honors (AP when possible)</p>
<p>First SAT is not back yet, but I'm guessing around 2100-2200 based on practice tests.
PSAT - 200 Sophomore year, 220 Junior Year</p>
<p>AP Physics B - 4
AP World - 4
AP Lang - 5</p>
National Honor Society Board Member
Beta Club, Renaissance Club, Key Club, Foreign Language Club, Student Government
<p>My biggest lacking is in community service/volunteer work which I only really get through club involvement.</p>
<p>My goals schools would be UPenn, Cornell, and Duke (in that order) followed by Georgia Tech as a backup. I want to major in Biochemistry.
I also am looking for advice on whether to drop my foreign language (French) Senior year to double up on sciences. I know I am going to take AP Chem, but I was considering either taking AP Bio, AP Physics C, or Honors Anatomy, thoughts? </p>
<p>Thanks for the input.</p>
<p>all of your schools are reaches simply because they are the top notch schools and they can be unpredictable…best chance is prob duke.
good scores but I don’t see any leadership statuses? I would have more safeties just to be cautious, good luck!
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1045171-chance-me-pretty-please-ivy-ucs.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1045171-chance-me-pretty-please-ivy-ucs.html</a>
chance me back?</p>
<p>Some info I forgot:</p>
<p>Other safety schools - UGA and U of Illinois</p>
<p>Principals Honor Roll - every year
Duke TIP since 4th grade
Beta Club - President
National Honor Society - Vice President
Renaissance Club (It’s an honor society/service club) - General Board Member
Varsity Men Co-Captain for St. Andrew Rowing Club</p>
<p>Senior Classes:
AP Calc BC
AP Chem
AP Literature
AP Gov/Econ
Senior Psychology
Either AP French or AP Physics C (Undecided (Suggestions/Thoughts?))</p>
<p>MY goal school is really UPenn because I love the environment and I have always wanted to get out of the Southeast region. I know its definitely a reach, but I’m looking for suggestions on how to improve my chances of getting in. Thanks for the replies, and I would be happy to try to chance you back!</p>