Chance me please!

<p>So basically, I'm a senior looking to attend a business college and pursue Accounting as a major and Finance as a minor.</p>

<p>My GPA: 4.0 (I didn't take any APs)
-I'm taking AP Calculus and AP Government this year.</p>

<p>SAT Score: Math-680 ; Writing-610 ; Reading-510</p>

<p>Awards: St. Michael's Book award for Volunteerism, Best Improved English Student Award, & Best Missionaries Award.</p>

-5 Clubs (Did alot of work/attended all or most meetings/ participated in most events)
-Bolivia Mission Trip for 2 Years in a row (Did ALOT of things, such as day care center, house building, church painting, community service clean ups, and more)
-Intern at an accounting firm/ CPA office (Bookkeeping, filing, & prepared taxes for alot of corporations)
-LIJ Hospital Volunteering (Ambulatory Clinic, Department of Medicine, Children's Schneider Hospital)
-Alter Serving
-Fundraising for Bolivia
-Vice President of my Church's Youth Group
-Kumdo Team (Sports/Went on competitions during 9th and 10th grade)
-Orchestra for 4 Years
-Beast Cancer Walk & Walk for Appalachia
-National Honor Society
-Foreign Language Honor Society (Joining this year)</p>

<p>Essay: Strong/Unique.
250+ Essay-I wrote about my Tourettes Syndrome and how I overcame it. In doing so, I also talked about how it made me stronger and how I was willing to work harder as an individual.
150+ Essay-I wrote about my Bolivian Mission Trip and how It impacted/changed my life tremendously.</p>

<p>Colleges: SUNY Binghamton, CUNY Baruch, NorthEastern, University of Michigan, Syracuse University, Penn State, StonyBrook, RPI, Notre Dame, University of Illinois.</p>

<p>So, do you guys think I could get into any of these colleges? If so, which colleges can i get into out of these schools?</p>

<p>Thank you so much in advance!</p>

<p>Can anyone please reply to this?
I really want to know my chances :[</p>

<p>I’ll chance back!</p>

<p>I think it’s a very realistic list.
SUNY Binghamton-match, CUNY Baruch=match, NorthEastern-reach, University of Michigan-reach, Syracuse University-match, Penn State-match (for one of the Penn States, reach for main campus), StonyBrook-match, RPI (IDK sorry), Notre Dame -reach, University of Illinois -IDK.</p>

<p>Maybe add Fordham and Drexel.</p>

<p>^This. You’re SAT’s are a bit low though. You still should be able to get into a couple on your list.</p>

<p>Hmm… When you guys refer to “reach”, does that still mean that I have a chance, or no chance at all?
If you guys can, can you guys tell me if any of those colleges with the “reach” are worth applying to?</p>

<p>Except for Notre Dame, none of them are crazy to apply to- go ahead. The trick is to have several matches and “sure thing” safeties so you are covered no matter what. I think you need one or two sure things.</p>

<p>What’s your favorite? Develop a plan of early decision, early action, and rolling admission schools, to take advantage of these admissions plans. For example, Fordham and Bing have nonbinding early action- may as well apply to both.</p>

<p>PS-“beast cancer” is a funny typo.</p>

<p>Thank you so much guys :slight_smile:
You guys just gave me a lot of confidence.
And yeah, Notre Dame did seem alittle too extreme.
One LAST question, do you guys think it’s certain that i’ll get into the School of Management at Binghamton University?
I visited them 2 times, so they probably know how interested I am for them.</p>

<p>Do you guys think it’s certain that i’ll get into the School of Management at Binghamton University?
I’ll also chance anyone who needs it.
But, can anyone please answer this question?</p>


<p>Bing - match
Northeastern - reach
UMich - reach
Syracuse - match
Penn State - match
Stony Brook - match
Notre Dame - reach</p>

<p>Sorry…can’t chance for the ones I don’t know.</p>

<p>If you spend the next 7 weeks studying your ass off for SAT and get 2100+ you have a decent shot at all the colleges. </p>


<p>I wuld give few tips to strenghten the college app
(1) Consider retaking your SAT exams immediately.Register for next test date,and prepare.your scores are extremely low in reading section.
(2) Its very important to demonstrate your interest in business. In addition to SAT exams,I would recommend you take CLEP exam in Financial accounting.[url=&lt;a href=“College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools”&gt;Financial Accounting – CLEP | College Board]CLEP:</a> Financial Accounting<a href=“3”>/url</a> Did you check with these unis if they require any SAT Subject exam in addition to
SAT 1 scores?
(4) Consider taking a gap year. Polish your application to hard core .
You have good amt of extra curriculars.You can think of this option if you want to apply to extremely selective colleges like Harvard.
If you want to study … Business
You should … Try starting your own business! It doesn’t need to be the next Google. Mow lawns, walk dogs, babysit kids. Go through your attic and sell your Mom’s old crock pot on eBay, and make a business venture out of it. Aren’t up for the entrepreneurial thing? Get a job – paid, unpaid, volunteer or internship. See if your parents (or parents’ friends) might be able to help.</p>

<p>I doubt you’ll get into Bing’s SOM. They’re the most selective division of Bing, and you’re SAT’s are very much subpar, and nothing else on your app really makes up for it. Forget about UMich or ND, you have next to no chance there. Northeastern unlikely as well.</p>

<p>On that list, the only ones I think you have shot at are Syracuse, Stony Brook and Penn State. Look into UB if you’re into SUNY’s, it seems like a better match to you. If you’re interested in business than they have a decent program- I took an entrepreneurship course there in high school and the professors were decent.</p>