chance me please?

<p>Asian male</p>


<p>Rank: 23 out of 209</p>

<p>SAT Score: 1720
Math: 670
Reading: 550
Writing: 500</p>

<p>GPA: 3.2 out of 4.0 scale</p>

<p>-Took 3 AP classes and got 2's and 3's on the AP exams.
-Took 5 dual credit classes</p>

<p>-Member in a few organizations.
-Treasurer of the math club.
-Tennis team for 3 years.
-Over 200 hours in community service</p>

<p>Can anybody tell me what my chances are?</p>

<p>Close to zero.</p>

<p>@azndude3194 That was not helpful in any manner whatsoever. Go ■■■■■ reddit or something. I’d say your ECs look pretty good. It would help if your test scores were better though.</p>