<p>GPA: roughly 3.7 UW, 3.98 W on 4.0 scale
Rigor: Taken some of the most challenging courses in the school.</p>
SAT super score: 740M 690R 740W essay(10)
ACT(only one sitting; should have taken it more): 33 comp, 31 read, 31 eng, 34 sci, 36 math</p>
<p>SAT subject tests(took these in October kinda last minute and I hadn't had any of these courses since may at the earliest. Don't know how much these are weighted):
Math 2: 710(didn't prepare and hadn't had lower level math classes in a very long time so i forgot alot of the stuff)
Physics: 720
U.S History: 700</p>
<p>Extracurrics: Lack luster I would say for the most part. I am the president of a very large club at our school that is similar to my major. I have some volunteering and some commitment to other clubs but nothing spectacular.
Recommendations: Average
Essays: I think they are very strong, but so does everyone :)</p>
<p>What are your guys opinion on me getting into Duke ED? Thanks for the help!
Other schools I am looking at:
University of Georgia
University of Florida
Georgia Tech
UCLA(university of California, los angeles)</p>
<p>I would appreciate any college suggestions that you guys think would best fit my statistics. Thanks again if you help, I really appreciate your advice.</p>
<p>Oh, I applied to UNC chapel hill as well if you want to chance that</p>
<p>Duke ED: reach
UGa: safety
UFL: match
GT: high match
UCLA: depends on your place of residency,i’d say low reach for OOS and high match for In-state</p>
<p>How many times have you taken the SAT to get the superscore?
Try to add some meaningful ECs that show commitment, and that will work.</p>
<p>Chance me?<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1575443-chance-me-my-ed-ea-hyp-mit-please-will-chance-back.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1575443-chance-me-my-ed-ea-hyp-mit-please-will-chance-back.html</a></p>
<p>that superscore is from 2 different SAT tests</p>
<p>Duke ED: not gonna happen. Sorry.
UGA: you’re in (they’re numerical)
UF: match
Georgia Tech: reach
UCLA: if you can pay the full $50,000 COA, then reach but possible.</p>
<p>Look at Oxford College of Emory (2 year on their smaller campus, last two years at Emory itself for the major); Missouri school of science and technology; Tulane; Olin as a reach.
You qualify for the presidential scholarship at the college of engineering at U Alabama (automatic full tuition and $2,500 stipend, room&board left to pay).
If tech schools interest you, check out Rose Hulman, wpi, rit. Virginia Tech or NC State Uwould be matches if you can afford the OOS COA.</p>
<p>thanks for the reply MYOS but I feel like your opinion was misguided. I don’t really know my chances at duke or UCLA so i can’t speak for those, but your decision to list me as a reach for GT has me doubting your opinion. Thanks for the response anyways and I wish you the best. Thanks everyone else who responded as well.</p>
<p>Update: got an 800 on my math sat score</p>
<p>Good news for that 800.
You’re right, I’d read 740CR 690M (that’s the way stats are typically presented), hence my doubts for GTech since having your lowest Reasoning score on Math and below a 700 in M for a top tech school would make it a reach. Since it’s 740M, I change that to match. 
Still just a match, not a safety, due to the EC’s - that may be offset by the great Subject test scores (considered hence helpful) and excellent personal essays.</p>