<p>Male, Asian </p>
<p>Class Rank: Top 4% in a class of 650
GPA: 3.84 UW, 4.35 W
National Merit Commended </p>
<p>ACT: 32
SAT II: US History: 780
Bio M: 790
Lit: 740 </p>
<p>Senior Classes: AP Calc AB, AP gov/econ, AP lit, AP Physics C, AP Enviro, Anatomy Honors </p>
<p>Reccomendation:Very good
Essay: Solid</p>
<p>EC's: NHS </p>
<p>FBLA: Co President
Peer Tutoring
Best Buddies
200+ hours at UCLA medical center
Academic Decathlon
Volunteer Youth organizer in my city</p>
<p>Will graduate with 14 AP exams on my record, 6 of them self studied, only 4's and 5's so far.</p>
<p>Impossible ;} If you take ACT instead of SAT ,you need at least 34 ;]</p>
<p>it's not impossible. i hate it when people say that with such confidence, like they're actually one of the adcoms letting you in. (and by the way - 32 is considered good, even by the ivies.) but anyway, i think you have a fair chance.</p>
<p>^I think Ivan_Stanchev was joking; 32 is the 75th percentile at Dartmouth. And those SAT 2s are real solid.</p>
<p>Those self studied 4's and 5's are impressive, by the way.</p>
<p>Kind of joking but seriously retake it ;} If you get a 33 or 34 you will have a better chance ;]</p>
<p>your weakness: without any APs in 11th</p>
your weakness: without any APs in 11th
<p>Where did he say that?</p>
<p>sorry, I did not read carefully;</p>
<p>It’s very difficult to tell from the information you’ve provided in your post. If your application is as colorless as this post, I would not be sanguine.</p>