Chance me, please?

<p>K, I really really want to go to Johns Hopkins to study BME. Do you guys think that I have any shot at getting in?</p>

<p>well here r the stats:
SAT: 2150 [720 Reading, 750 Math, 680 Writing]
IB: Predicted 38
Rank: N/A
SAT IIs: 760 Math2, 780 Biology M, 800 Chemistry
APs: N/A
Currently taking: IB HL Chem, Bio and Math. IB SL English, Chinese [I'm Indian tho] and Economics
Activities and stuff: Lots of time spent in service with an autistic school, also a lot of time with the Missionaries of Charity. Leadership is not a problem, I've been House captain and Student Council Rep. Play Basketball. Doing Model United Nations for ages. Quite a bit of various other debating as well.
Recs: 1 from bio teacher, she has a PhD. all boxes ticked as Very Good [well above average] and top 10%.
1 from Chemistry teacher, really glowing ref, all top 10% and up.
1 from counselor
My essay is about my IB Extended Essay which is basically a 4000 word research project. I talk about my investigation into bioalcohols and their feasibility as possible replacements for gasoline in the future. Essay is not a problem for me, just assume it's a very well written essay because everyone at school etc who has read it has said that it reads excellently.</p>

<p>What do you guys reckon my chances are?</p>

<p>Come on, someone? Please?</p>

<p>Your chances are solid for JHU in general, but BME is ridiculously competitive so it’s hard to say. I think you most definitely have a shot, but by no means is it a shoe-in.</p>