chance me please?

<p>I am a junior in new jersey (apparently that puts me in a disadvantage..) UPenn is my dream school, it always has been. I work hard but my effort doesn't seem to show in standardized tests and well even my gpa. so if some people could chance me it'd be appreciated. thank you!</p>

<p>ACT: never took it.
SAT I : didnt take it yet, i'll be taking it in March 2009.
NOTE: My PSAT score i just got was 157...
Korean- 790
(i'll be taking two more)
Unweighted GPA: 4.0 out of 4.25
Weighted GPA: 4.25 out of 4.25
Rank: N/A; it was top 11%, but my rank went up significantly compared to my sophomore year.
AP Tests:
-i havent taken any of the tests yet, ill be taking US History and English Composition this year.
Senior Courses:
-AP Calculus AB
-AP Biology
-AP French 5
-AP English Literature and Composition
-HN Physics
-Human Anatomy&Physiology or Law, not sure yet.
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.):
-President's Volunteer Service Award
-French Honor Society
-High Honor Roll (all throughout the years from freshman until now)
-National Honor Roll Award</p>

Marching Band (9,10,11) will continue for senior year
Concert Band (9,10,11) will continue for senior year
Key Club (9,10,11) will continue for senior year
Class Council (9,10,11) will continue for senior year</p>

<p>Leadership Positions:
-Marching Band Section Leader
-Freshman Transition Facilitator
-Office Aid
-Committee Head of Key Club</p>

<p>Job/Work Experience:
-at my parent's restaurant
-summer camp</p>

<p>Summer Activities:
National Youth Leadership Forum (Medicine)</p>


<p>State: New Jersey
School Type: Public.
Ethnicity: Korean.
Gender: Female
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): different ethnicity</p>

<p>Be blunt with the replies please. Thank you</p>

<p>anyone out there?</p>

<p>GPA could use a little work but if your SATs end up being similar to your PSATs then I’d say it’s quite a stretch. </p>

<p>By the way “Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): different ethnicity” isn’t a hook; more of a hindrance.</p>

<p>I think you have a pretty good shot, if you can write unique stand-out essays. Hopefully your PSAT score isn’t an indicator of how you’ll do on the SAT; I know it most certainly wasn’t for some people, though the my PSAT score predicted my SAT score exactly, so you never know. Your GPA is very impressive, I must say I’m actually jealous… >_< (my GPA was something awful). I am wondering though, how does your school’s weighted GPA have the same max (4.25) as the unweighted?</p>

<p>Unfortunately being Korean will actually put you at a disadvantage, but not as much as me because you’re a girl, I think. :stuck_out_tongue: Your EC’s seem pretty good and focused, not scattered everywhere like some people, so just try to show your dedication to your specific interests. Hopefully you had a good course load, relative to what your school offers. Good luck, and keep working hard.</p>