Chance me please !

<p>From South Texas, San Antonio
Asian American (~)</p>

<p>Schools- (a lot of reaches)
University of Texas at Austin</p>

<p>GPA: 3.9++ Unweighted. 4.3 Weighted
Rank- top 3 out of 76, no official rank
Extremely competitive private school
Income ~20000</p>

<p>SAT I- (Superscore)
CR- 800
Math- 790 (800)
Writing- 760
Total- 1590/2350 (1600/2360)</p>

<p>SAT II-
Math II- 800
Chemistry- 770
Biology- 770
Total- 2340</p>

<p>ACT- Composite 35</p>

<p>AP/ Advanced classes

AP US History-5
AP Chemistry- 5</p>

AP Calc BC- 5
AP European history- 4
AP Biology- 5</p>

Calculus III (above Calc BC)
AP Government
AP Physics C
Total AP= 7
Other advanced class= 1</p>

<p>Essays- I'm not really sure but I think they were good
Recommendations- Counselor- good, Teachers- Excellent</p>

<p>Extracurricular and Interests- A few minor hooks, but I think overall decent
I switched schools (and states) between 10 and 11th grade, so I either did an activity during 9 and 10th grade, or 11 and 12 grade.
I think I show dedication in math, science, and tennis</p>

<p>Robotics Club- Went to State twice- Lead graphics designer/ Photographer- 11,12
Varsity Tennis- Most improved player, grades 9,11
Science Bowl- Grades 11,12- 2nd place in Regionals, TONS of studying
UIL Math, Science Citywide competitions- Participated five times (and studied a lot)
1st place Calculator
1st Place Science
2nd Place Calculator
2nd Place Calculator
2nd Place Mathmatics
3rd Place Science
3rd Place Mathematics</p>

<p>American Mathematics Competitions- School Winner- Grade 10
Academics Team- Grades 9, 10
Jets Science Team- Grades 9, 10- 2nd Place Regionals
International Club- Plans fundraisers to help impoverished students in Haiti- Grades 11, 12
Math Club- Prepares students for the AMC and help people with their math problems- Vice president and Co-Founder
Volunteered in Comal County Senior Center- 100+ Hours</p>

<p>Held Job/ Internship for a computer company in Houston- 100+ Hours
Job at a Chinese Restaurant- 50 Hours</p>

<p>Major Hooks/ Risks
-Skipped two grades- Not sure if this is preferable or advantageous for me
-Studied Spanish/ German/ Chinese/ Traditional Taiwanese. English is primary language now (used to be Chinese)
-Played Tennis extensively to help cope with my asthma. Asthma has gotten a lot better. Spent over 1000 hours playing tennis in my school years, OUTSIDE of school.
-First Generation in my extended family to enter college (not sure if thats good).</p>

<p>All in all, I have confidence that I might be able to enter one of my schools, but I need you guys to chance me! Thanks!</p>

<p>Anybody here? Thank you in advance for chancing me!</p>

<p>I will be utterly dumbfounded if you dont get into any of HYPSM. you have a fantastic scholastic resume for a high schooler</p>

<p>i think you should get into columbia and penn but u never know these days. you have a great shot at both.</p>

<p>anywhere and everywhere else you apply in with possible scholarship money.</p>

<p>plz return the favor
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Bump- Please chance</p>

<p>Good for everything but Ivy’s could go either way.</p>

<p>Why is UT Austin up there? haha</p>

<p>Because I like the medical program.
And its a home school!</p>

<p>^ No I mean its a guaranteed for you. And doesn’t UT Austin have an automatic admission for people in the top 10% of any accredited high school in Texas?</p>

<p>I didn’t actually know that! I’ll look into it. Thanks! So if I have automatic admission, do I still need to submit an application? I’m head over heels writing their two essays.</p>

<p>i think it is match for all of the ives you listed. you hold a outstanding record good job</p>

<p>If you look at the admissions page on collegeboard for UT Austin you’ll find this:</p>

<p>“A note about the college’s admission requirements: Applicants from top 10% of class from accredited Texas high school automatically admitted with completed application. Off-campus coordinated admission program available for Texans who complete all required high school units and apply immediately upon high school graduation, but are not otherwise eligible for regular admission.”</p>

<p>Whether or not its updated for this year, if its still in place then you’re good to go. It does say complete an application so you should do that. Do more research on the automatic policy though since I just glanced at it as I’m not looking at UT Austin.</p>

<p>HYPSM- In at least one of them
Columbia- High match
Penn- High match
Everywhere else- In</p>

<p>Thanks for chancing me and good luck!</p>

<p>Wow, really impressive!
I think all of them are either definitely in/match/high match.</p>

<p>HYPSM -all reaches only because of the multitude of qualified applicants
Columbia - low reach/high match
Penn - low reach/high match</p>

<p>You said that you’re not sure about your essays… those could be make or break seeing that you’re shooting for the top, so make sure that you’re confident about them.</p>

<p>HYPSM high match
Columbia high match
UPenn high match
Duke high match
Rice high match
University of Texas at Austin in</p>

<p>im sorry, but u cant be a “high match” for HYPSM unless u… cured cancer, wrote 3 400 pg novels, have legacy extending back generations, or lived in africa for 3 years of HS helping starving kids while still getting a god education</p>

<p>Acceptd, while I know that All of the ivies are reaches to me, I would like to correct you on some things. I knew a girl who got into HYP and S, and she did NONE of the things that you have mentioned. Your “requirements” for a high match is simply a myth: There are extremely strong applicants who have internationally acclaimed math/science/ music achievements, while still getting a top notch education at their schools. I know I probably took your statement a bit too seriously, but in my opinion (and I don’t think I’m one of them by any stretch of my imagination), there are some truly amazing people who can call a majority of Ivy league schools a Match/ High Match, while their resumes have none of the things you described there.</p>

<p>Bump… Though I hate bumps.</p>

<p>Yes, you could call it a match because you meet all the criteria for admission. Unfortunately, that does not mean you’ll get in.</p>

<p>I thought people returned chances… guess not many did</p>

<p>Having an eye-catching thread title helps :p, but I wouldn’t worry too much, you are very qualified applicant, more than most people here, but I understand your want for courtesy, you give the most in-depth and detailed chances that I have seen on CC thus far.</p>