Chance me please

<p>Asian male applying for CSE
GPA - UW 3.6 UC 3.9 W 4.2
SAT - 800 M 630 R 640 W
ACT - 33
SAT II - 800 Math, 780 Chem</p>

<p>EC - 200+ volunteer hours
Waterpolo 3 years, Badminton 4 years</p>

<p>Senior Classes -
AP Calc BC
Econ, AP Gov
AP Physics
Brit Lit
(community college classes) -
Intro to C#
Intro to Bio
Computer Programming C</p>

<p>Chance me pleasee</p>

<p>Probably a slight reach after the whole admissions limit going on now</p>

<p>shoot, i thought i would be at least a match in sd</p>

<p>any other opinions?</p>

<p>in for sure</p>

<p>I’m with Oyama. </p>

<p>(but why does it matter? you’re going to apply anyway. never really understood these threads.)</p>

<p>Cognitive dissonance theory</p>