<p>White Male
Public School
Middle Income Bracket</p>
<p>UW 3.9
W 4.0</p>
<h2>Rank: 9/568</h2>
<p>PSAT: 206
ACT: 34
2 11th</p>
NHS, CSF(10,11)
Habitat for Humanity House building
Rotary Youth Leadership Award
Volunteer Trips - Went to Mexico and build a house</p>
<p>Work Experience
- Had part-time job during school
-Internship at prominent law office this summer</p>
<p>im a junior by the way</p>
<p>next years schedule: ap eng 12, ap calc, ap gov, ap econ, chem, adv journalism</p>
<p>Lol, I like how your username is ironically “Wharton2014.” These chance threads just don’t work. There are so many factors that are taken into account. You are viewed based on your school, area, etc… blah blah blah. But, i’m sure you know all of that. </p>
<p>Here is some REAL advice:
- Your GPA is good… and you know that. I would seriosuly think about jumping immediately from 2 APs up to 4. I know that AP English and AP Calc (AB or BC?) are both very difficult courses, and what you need is to have is a GOOD GPA when applying to Columbia. Yes, obviously courseload is important, but your GPA is an easy, numerical way to sum up your success in high school. YOU WANT TO KEEP IT UP. </p>
<li><p>That PSAT score is decent… but you may want to study to bump that SAT up. It is just as important as your SAT. </p></li>
<li><p>I assume you are applying to CC and not SEAS. You need something to set you completely apart from every other applicant. If it is that law internship, so be it. On your application make a big deal about that and make sure that Columbia understands what you said about it. </p></li>
<p>PM me if you have any more questions.
Good Luck!</p>
<p>In regards to what VCollege1 says about jumping up from 2 APs to 4: I think you should go for 4. AP Calc (depending on AB or BC) is going to a bit tough, but I think the other three are doable from my experience. GPA is important, but so is knowing that you can challenge yourself. And colleges want that.</p>
<p>I don’t know, but I personally think that BC Calc and AB Calc was easier than Math Analysis.</p>
<p>And personally, AP Eng just requires a time commitment.</p>