Chance Me Please

<p>Math 4 Years: Math 1, 2, 3, 4
English 4 Years: English 9 Honors, 10 Honors, 11 Honors, AP English
Spanish 4 Years: Spanish 1, 2, 3, 4
Science 4.5 Years: Science Processes, Biology, Physics, Astronomy (1 Term), Chemistry.
Social Studies 3 Years : Global Studies, AP US History, Sociology, Government.</p>

<p>Freshmen Year: 3.53
Sophmore: 3.53
Junior: 3.85
Cumulative: 3.65</p>

Math: 610
Reading: 600
Writing: 650</p>

Key Club 3 Years. Community Chair Senior Year.
Sparrow Club 3 Years.
Soccer 4 Years.
New Student Ambassador.</p>

<p>Solid. Pretty good chance of getting in. Plan on taking the SAT again? Or ACT?</p>