
<p>sat - 1980(no prep/will re-take should go up)
act - 31
3yr avg. - 92.2</p>

<p>attending well respected private school with very strong college based curriculum, but no aps </p>

<p>4yr-math (including 2yrs calc)
4yr - english
4yr - sci (including bio,chem and physics)
4yr - spanish
4yr - history
4yr - theology/philosophy
4yr- electives (music,art,art history,computer sci)</p>

<p>National Honor Society
captain debate team
secretary economics club
social studies club
computer tech club</p>

<p>2008 NYS Public Forum Debate champion (jv division)
2009 NYS Public Forum Debate quarterfinalist</p>

<p>p/t employment at nursery and garden center </p>


<p>you will most likely get in with a scholarship. I can’t really tell you how much though bc they are a bit wonky with their awards. I got mine and found it to be so low, I sobbed. Then I sent a letter asking for more and they more than doubled my scholarship and apoligized for it being so low. This also happened to a friend of mine so watch out.</p>

<p>Thanks for the heads-up visiting in august,hope it’s a good fit</p>