<p>To be honest, Cornell is my first choice and i know my stats are way to low for cornell. My senior year classes are also not rigorous coz of schedule conflict so all i can do now is to raise my SAT score. If i Do raise my SAT score to 2200 + and take SAT 2s scoring 750 + do you think i have chance for Cornell??</p>

<h2>Other than that, i need to turn in collge list to my counselor by tomorrow and i only have cornell written down for ED and michigan for EA. Please help me out lol my counselor is gonna laugh at me with Cornell and Umich</h2>

<p>international student applying EA ...probably bio major or engi...</p>

<p>GPA : uw: 3.7x ish ? w:4.03</p>

<p>our school has four ap classes...i started school in US since 2nd semester of my sophomore year
10th : a+, a, a, a, a-, a-, a- (precal honors2nd semester, english 2 honors, biology honors, western civ, PE, Chorus, Religion )
11th: a+, a-, a-, a-, a-,b+,c+(AP) (Precal honors1st semester, english 3 honors, chem honors, physics honors, AP us history, French 1, religion)
senior classes : less chanllenging than junior yera (Cal H, Chem 2 H, English IV, Civics, French2, Religion, Chorus)</p>

<p>SAT: 2070...taking again in October...aiming for 2100- 2200+ maybe?</p>

<p>SAT2 : none. taking 2 in november. </p>

<p>ec: city youth orchestra concert master, other orchestras including school , first chair, opera accompaying orchestra, national chamber music competition, charity concerts, church choir, school chorus, student ambassador, newsletter, club president, clubs, community services, mission trips </p>

<p>award: school awards.......insignificant..</p>

<p>10% now.</p>

<p>40% if you get your SAT/SAT IIs up.</p>

<p>thank you for replying! :smiley: i will get those scores up in a couple of months! Please chance me again then! Good luck to you!</p>