Chance Me Plzzzz :)

<p>ethnicity: Asian -Korean
school: #1 in NJ</p>

<p>GPA: 3.98/4.5
Ranking: N/A
SAT I: 2200 (CR 650 W 750 M 800)
SATII: Bio 740 Chem 760 IIC 790 French 700
PSAT: 226
AP: Junior: CHEM(4)/STATS(5)/LANG.COMP(4)/US HIS(5)
- I guarantee 5 on Bio, BC, French but 4 in Psychology and literature
ACT: n/a
TOEFL: dont know yet. result comes out this week</p>

<p>EC: Cross Country Varsity since 10th
Indoor Track (Fall/Spring) since 10th
Math Counts Varsity (Vice President this year)
Member of Harvesters Club
Honor Society member
Tutoring/babysitting kids since 9th
(approx. 3 hours a week but I did alot during summer) </p>

<p>Volunteers (total 1200+)
Local Hospital (300+) - since 10th
TA @ Korean School (400+) - since 9th
NJ Chusok Festival Staff (50 hrs)
Summer Camps for Kids (300 hrs)
TA @ Summer SAT classes (150 hrs)</p>

Highest Honor Award (higher than GPA 3.75) @ school (since 9th)
KSEA Math/Science Olympiad - 2nd(math)/incentive(science)
AMC 10 (10th) - high ranking in NJ (I forgot what number I was.. #5-7 i think)
AMC 12 (11th) - same↑
Qualified to AIME - probably this year too..
NMSQT scholarship
scholarship from local hospital volunteering</p>

<p>Recommendations were very good.</p>

<p>to which school/major are you applying?
this has a huge impact on admit chances.</p>

<p>GPA/scores are Cornell average - prob won't help or hurt you.
(Keep in mind that a ridiculously high number of CU admits get 800 on Math. CR is a little low but within range.)</p>

<p>Quality of curriculum looks decent. Impressive AP scores.</p>

<p>ECs look decent - did you have any leadership roles bsides VP of math counts?</p>

<p>looks to me like your best bet is Engineering.</p>

<p>i’d say chances are decent but not great, based on what we know. like the other poster said, you’re still just another face in the crowd. i do like the cross country/track. at least it’s more substantial than most of fluff extracurriculars we see. that alone isn’t a silver bullet for admission by any means, but you’ll need every little bit to help.</p>