Chance Me Por Favor!

GPA: 3.78 (UW)
SAT: 640 (CR), 670 (M), 690 (W)
School does not rank.
Possible Majors: Political Science or Marketing.</p>

<p>AP Classes: Computer Science, English Language (5), English Literature, Government & Politics, Spanish Language (2 :(), US History (4)
Concurrent: Networking, College Writing
Most other classes are honors. Taking health and one year of PE online to be able to take more academic classes.</p>

Amnesty International (2006-2010)
Football (2006)
NHS (2008-2010)
Photography Club (2007-2010)
School Lighting Designer Head (Designed, set, and programmed lights for about ten theatrical shows, like plays and concerts, a year as well as many simpler events, like talent shows and masses) (2007-2010)
Student Ambassadors (2008-2010)
Students for Political Awareness (2008-2010)
Track & Field (2007-2008)
250+ Service Hours</p>

Excellence in Technology
2nd Place in State-wide Website Design Competition</p>

<p>*2010 is year of graduation and will try and stay active in the said ecs until then.</p>

<p>Chance me please!</p>

<p>Boston C
Cornell U
Northwestern U
Notre Dame
U Chicago
U Washington</p>

<p>Thanks for your time. =]</p>

<p>Boston C–Match
Cornell U–Reach
Northwestern U–High Reach
Notre Dame–High Reach
NYU–If you go for Marketing and apply to Stern, it’s a reach; CAS is match, but they MAY GSP you
U Chicago–High Reach
U Washington–You didn’t give the state you’re in for HS, but if you’re in-state it’s a safety; OOS it’s a match.
<strong>This is just my analysis of SAT ranges, my personal assessment of your ECs and class choice, and GPA ranges.</strong></p>

<p>Let me reassess BC. I was judging you for BU, which is a match. BC is probably more of a lowish reach. It’s getting a LOT more competitive. Look at the acceptance threads for previous classes in the last few years. There were a lot of people with your stats that got waitlisted, a lot that got in. It’s a crapshoot (welcome to college admissions–lol).</p>

<p>Ooh, yikes. :confused:
And yes, I’m OOS. In Utah.</p>

<p>Thanks for the chances!</p>