<p>My freshman gpa was a 3.4.....I know Princeton doesn't look at freshman year but will it really burden my chances? I had a 3.3 first semester and a 3.5 second semester.</p>
<p>Ok I am going to be a senior in one and and half months and I need your input on my chances.</p>
<p>My dad did research for Princeton (6 months) and I stayed on campus for 3 weeks. Met the professorss...ect. How could I incorporate this information into common app. and how much this help me in admission?</p>
GPA weighted: 4.33 :0
AP National Scholar: 12 ap's</p>
<p>My Science Work...How much will it help to show all the dedicated stuff I have done towards biology</p>
<p>Science Olympiad State Finals (tean event) (8-12)
Chemistry Olympiad State Finals...Physics tooo (Inividual event)
Intel/Siemens Science Fair for Greater Good Semi-finalist (10)
Lab work with UCSD professors...published work...good recommendations from professors (10-11)
intern biotech company (11-12)
Did multiple classes in econ, bio, and comp sci and UCSD (10-12)
Volunteer Doctors office (11-12)</p>
<p>Miscellaneous Stuff
Swim Team (10-12)
Debate Team-State Competitions (10-12)
Created a football website so people can talk about football....some of articles got luckily published on cbs sports.
Worked in City of San Diego Mayor's Office for a semester
Flute 6 years...letterman (District Competions.)
National Honors Society School Leader....California Scholarship Foundation</p>
<p>for Princeton, Yale, Harvard, Stanford, it doesn’t really matter how well other people chance you, because so many crazily smart people apply that it’s a toss-up for anyone. The best thing to do is to study your butt off and hope for the best.</p>
<p>Studying your butt off will definitely help^^</p>
<p>Obiwankenobi is very right. There are so many competitive applicants to these schools, and so few spots that there’s no way to say for sure whether someone’s “in or not”. You have a chance with your competitive stats, but it’s hard to say whether someone has a good chance or not. We don’t know what admissions want that particular year.</p>
<p>As said, toss up for everyone, You are very competitive though. As far as the UC’s go, I wouldn’t say your guaranteed Berkeley or UCLA, more of a high match. Good luck at Princeton, and maybe incorporate your time there into your essay?</p>
<p>I wouldn’t bring up you being on campus for three weeks in your essays. It won’t help you, if anything it could hurt you. Having been on campus doesn’t help people because colleges, especially colleges like princeton, understand that many people can’t visit campus so they don’t give an advantage to those who do come on campus. Mentioning it then not only wastes valuable space, but can come across the wrong way.</p>
<p>Of course, if your dad was ocnsidered faculty (which i’m not sure if he was if it wa for 6 months) then that will help you a lot if you put that under the affiliations wiht the school.</p>