<p>My freshman gpa was a 3.4.....I know Princeton doesn't look at freshman year but will it really burden my chances? I had a 3.3 first semester and a 3.5 second semester.</p>
<p>Ok I am going to be a senior in one and and half months and I need your input on my chances.</p>
<p>My dad did research for Princeton (6 months) and I stayed on campus for 3 weeks. Met the professorss...ect. How could I incorporate this information into common app. and how much this help me in admission?</p>
GPA weighted: 4.33 :0
AP National Scholar: 12 ap's</p>
<p>My Science Work...How much will it help to show all the dedicated stuff I have done towards biology</p>
<p>Science Olympiad State Finals
Chemistry Olympiad State Finals...Physics tooo
Intel/Siemens Science Fair for Greater Good Semi-finalist (10)
Lab work with UCSD professors...published work...good recommendations from professors (10-11)
intern biotech company (11-12)
Did multiple classes in econ, bio, and comp sci and UCSD (10-12)
Volunteer Doctors office (11-12)</p>
<p>Miscellaneous Stuff
Swim Team (10-12)
Debate Team-State Competitions (10-12)
Created a football website so people can talk about football....some of articles got luckily published on cbs sports.
Worked in City of San Diego Mayor's Office for a semester
Flute 6 years...letterman (District Competions.)
National Honors Society School Leader....California Scholarship Foundation</p>