Chance me RD class of 2024

Hi! I’m a HS senior anxiously waiting for decision day. Any input you could give would be great
Applied Colombian CAS RD
GPA: 3.8 UW 4.4 W
ACT: 32
At the end of senior year I will have taken: 9 APs
Sophomore year: AP Psych (4)
Junior year: AP Lang (4), APUSH (4), AP Bio (4), AP Gov (4)
Senior Year: AP Lit, AP Human Geo, APES, Ap Stats
6 college classes thru dual enrollment
rest of my classes honors expect for french 1&2
taken french all 4 year a of HS
Extra Circulars:
Competitive dancer for 10 Years
On my schools dance team
Started my own support group
Advocacy for JDRF
Internship with political candidate
Social Media officer for my schools french club (jr/sr year)
Recs: submitted 2 recs from my AP lang and AP bio
Personal statement/ optional writing:
submitted both, optional writing was not as strong as my usual writing
School letterman for academics
AP scholar with distinction
i’m hispanic
really low efc (GW isn’t need blind)

Just an fyi, a low efc is not a hook, especially for school’s that aren’t need-blind. It’s the opposite.

shoot i was gonna put a star next to it to separate it from the hooks but i forgot…i think that’s one thing why GW would turn me down but i’m not too sure

Hi! Good luck. I saw that you are on your school’s dance team. I am too! I am thinking about trying out for GW’s dance team. They are called the First Ladies I think (their instagram is @gw_firstladies). I am looking for people to try out with me - let me know if you are interested!

@2020senior12345 did you get in?

accepted with a 22k presidential academic scholarship and a ton of fin aid!