Chance me Rutgers or Purdue class of 2024

Hi. I am a rising senior and am looking to apply to Rutgers and Purdue as my top two schools. I plan on being a biology major.

ACT: 25 overall (English 23, Math 20, Reading 31, Science 24)
GPA: 3.75
All honors classes through high school

Extracurriculars: Band and brass ensemble 1 year, Bell choir 1 year, choir 1 year, gymnastics 2 years, basketball 1 year, student council Vice President, lots of community service hours, worked at summer job all summer, volunteer at library

I moved schools after sophomore year from a private boarding school to a public school

African-American Male

Thanks, and if you need more information, I would be happy to give some.

Applying to Purdue for what major?

25-32 is Purdue’s middle 50% ACT scores, and 3.75 is just at the mid-point of accepted students (47% had 3.75 and higher).

Engineering and Computer Science are significantly more difficult- it would a Reach/High Reach for those majors. Other majors would make it a slight reach school. A decent chance, but certainly not high probability/safety.

Purdue is going to be a reach for bio with those math and science sub scores.

Thanks for the feedback