Chance Me TCU

Hi, I was wondering if I have any chance of getting into TCU

I have a 29 ACT

I have an 83 average unweighted in my classes. I attend a very rigorous college preparatory school. I take many AP’s and have taken very rigorous class work. I receive a scholarship at my school for achievement. About 60 acceptances in the past few years.

I have a leadership position, alongside being active in many clubs involving math and politics.

I compete in science competitions and participate in YMCA youth legislature.

I manage both the boy’s and girl’s soccer teams (fall and spring) and have 3 varsity letters.

I’ve been interning with a local organization that aides seniors and ran their charity golf tournament over the summer.

I have a solid essay providing insight on a traumatic childhood, as well as explain why my grades have been low recently.

I have been very active in the admissions progress. I’ve visited TCU and been to their college meetings.

Im a biracial, dual citizen if that helps
