Chance me to Ivies and other schools? New Member here!

<p>Hi! I'm an international from the Philippines(US Citizen though).
Can you chance me at these schools?
Ivy league</p>

<p>Boston College
Boston University
Fordham (I'm from a jesuit high school so will that factor?)
Georgetown (I'm from a jesuit high school so will that factor?)
Loyola Marymount (I'm from a jesuit high school so will that factor?)
New York University
Syracuse U
University of California Irvine
UNC- Chapel Hill
Yale </p>

<p>I had a 3.21 GPA in freshman year, 3.29 GPA in Soph, and 3.71 in Junior year. Our school doesn't offer APs or Honors classes and we have this kind of grading:</p>

<p>A : 99-95
B+ : 90-94
B : 85-90
C+: 80-84
C: 75-80
D: 70-74
F1(yeah, weird): 65-69
F2: 60 - 65</p>

<p>My Grades for freshman year(Courses are required, we don't have electives and we don't pick courses):</p>

<p>Math: C+
History: B
Filipino: A
English: B</p>

<p>Soph year:
Math: C (yeah it's low, I got sick for 2 weeks though so maybe an excuse?)
History: B+
Biology: B
Arts: B+
Filipino: A
English: B+</p>

<p>Junior year:
Math: B+
History: B+
Religion: A
Chemistry: A
Computer(Arts): B+
Filipino: A
English: B+</p>

<p>SAT Scores:</p>

<p>Lit- 660(Will retake), World History- 800, Biology- 740
SAT- will take in June- percieved score: 2100+</p>

<p>For my ECs and essays, I showed my passion for History and politics.
My ECs are (in a summary): </p>

<p>History and Politics:</p>

<p>Founder of a political discussion group in school
Debater with some awards
Campaign volunteer (Election season in the Philippines! I basically have extraordinary experiences with this EC)
Democratic Party blogger
Made Independent studies in History and Politics for past 3 summers
Made History oriented children's books and jingles(up for publication)
Tutor for History</p>

State Officer(Secretary) and Local community circle President for Columbian Squires; Achieved highest ranking(much like boy scouts) for a member of the organization with many awards and commendations for service and projects
Student Government(Secretary, President, and Assistant) with awards
Spanish Language student( enrolled myself in a Spanish language school usually for adults)
Volunteer in several orphanages </p>

<p>Work Experience:
Assistant in a food distributing company
Set up a business with my mom just this summer(Fish distributer)</p>

<p>Academic Awards:
1st Place World History quiz bee
3rd Honor- 1st, 3rd semesters of Freshman year; 3rd semester of Soph year
2nd Honor - 1st, 2nd and 3rd Semester of Junior year
Picked by local university here to join Political forum and to get to know their political science programs
picked by Chem teacher to participate in a Chemistry quiz bee
Deportment award- Frehman year, soph, and junior year</p>

<p>Thanks for chancing!</p>

<p>Any other schools that can be a fit for me? I haven't decide on my official college list so some of these schools may come off of my list. Thanks!</p>

<p>GPA is not that high, but considering the fact that your school’s scoring system, you did nice work.</p>

<p>Great extracurriculum I have to say. Make sure your SAT does get 2100+ and write great essays.</p>

<p>The school list is good enough.</p>

<p>Your extracirriculars are really good. I would focus my essays on how they your ECs tie together to help you with your interests in politics and what you hope to achieve while at college and in the future.
I think your only real weakness is that your gpa. Other than that, I think you’re fine as long as you do well on your SATs and get good recs. Also, you would count as an international student and not an Asian when applying correct? I know that Asians are at a disadvantage in the applicant pool.</p>

<p>thanks for the input. I still have senior year to hopefully up my GPA a few notches though so fingers crossed…

<p>Yeah I know I’m sort of at a disadvantage because of the Asian status. But can US Citizen be classified as International? I study outside the US but the citizenship status gives me doubts. I’m applying for financial aid too.</p>

<p>LMU sucks, go to UCLA</p>

<p>If it is between LMU and UCLA, I’ll pick UCLA bro! :slight_smile:
Do I have a good chance at UCLA though? I was thinking LMU as a safety</p>

<p>hate to do this but bump bump bump bump :)</p>

<p>I’ll chance you guys back! Bump</p>

<p>bump… :slight_smile: bump</p>

<p>BC is also a Jesuit school, just in case you didn’t know and yes, your religion may play a small factor at those schools. With your grading system, it’s hard for me to get a good grasp on where you will get into but here’s my shot.</p>

<p>Boston College - High Match/Low Reach (1/3 of class is alumni driven, in case you didn’t know)
Boston University - Match
Brown - Reach
Columbia - Reach
Cornell - Low Reach
Dartmouth - Reach
Duke - Reach
Fordham (I’m from a jesuit high school so will that factor?) - Match
Georgetown (I’m from a jesuit high school so will that factor?) - Match
Harvard - High Reach
Loyola Marymount (I’m from a jesuit high school so will that factor?) - Don’t know, sorry.
New York University - Match
Princeton - High Reach
Stanford - High Reach
Syracuse U - In
University of California Irvine - Don’t know, sorry.
UCLA - Match
UNC- Chapel Hill - Low Reach (The way OOS works is kind of sketchy, so I don’t have much of an idea)
UPenn - Reach
Yale - High Reach</p>

<p>Thanks for chancing me earlier!</p>

<p>thanks for chancing :slight_smile: what do you mean when you said “alumni driven” though?</p>

<p>BTW applying for financial aid as an international student is a disadvantage. For example, Penn devotes $120 million for undergraduate financial aid but only about $400,000 for international students’ financial aid. I don’t know if every institution is like that but I’m assuming that they are.</p>

<p>Wow…lots of schools, thanks for chancing me!</p>

<p>Boston College - Mid-High Match
Boston University - Low Match
Brown - Mid Reach
Columbia - Mid Reach
Cornell - Low Reach
Dartmouth - Reach
Duke - Mid Reach
Fordham - Match
Georgetown - Low Reach
Harvard - High Reach
Loyola Marymount - No info :frowning:
New York University - High Match
Princeton - High Reach
Stanford - Very High Reach
Syracuse U - Likely
University of California Irvine - In
UCLA - Match
UNC- Chapel Hill - reach
UPenn - Mid Reach
Yale - High Reach</p>

<p>Boston College- low reach
Boston University- low match
Brown- reach
Columbia- high reach
Cornell- reach
Dartmouth- reach
Duke- reach
Fordham (I’m from a jesuit high school so will that factor?)- low match
Georgetown (I’m from a jesuit high school so will that factor?)- high reach
Harvard- high reach
Loyola Marymount (I’m from a jesuit high school so will that factor?)- match
New York University- low reach
Princeton- high reach
Stanford- high reach
Syracuse U- low match
University of California Irvine- low match
UCLA- reach
UNC- Chapel Hill- reach
UPenn- high reach
Yale- high reach</p>

<p>Alumni-driven means that your mom or dad went there (aka legacy).</p>

<p>I think you have a good chance at a few schools, obviously Ivies are a reach except Cornell, and HYPS are high reaches. Great ECs. Definetely, up the GPA and for top notch Ivies, a 2300+ would be needed I think. But, otherwise looks good. GPA is key though.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info and chances everybody! BTW, I’m a US Citizen but I live outside the country… won’t that affect financial aid?</p>

<p>You’ll get into Syracuse, BU, LMU, UCI. Obviously the prestigous schools you put on your list will be high reaches, but you’ve got a decent shot at schools like UCLA and others in the caliber.</p>

<p>Thanks for chancing me earlier!
The weighting system at your school is kind of throwing me off, but heres my best shot.
And I’m not sure if your religion will factor in or not.</p>

<p>Boston College- reach
Boston University- low match
Brown- high reach
Columbia- high reach
Cornell- reach
Dartmouth- high reach
Duke- high reach
Fordham (I’m from a jesuit high school so will that factor?)- safety?
Georgetown (I’m from a jesuit high school so will that factor?)- high reach
Harvard- high reach
Loyola Marymount (I’m from a jesuit high school so will that factor?)- ??
New York University- reach
Princeton- high reach
Stanford- high reach
Syracuse U- low reach
University of California Irvine- low match
UCLA- reach
UNC- Chapel Hill- high reach
UPenn- high reach
Yale- high reach</p>