Chance me UChicago, Columbia, Yale, Georgetown & more (will chance back!!!)

<p>realize that this is all very theoretical, but I’d love to know what you think--- VERY MUCH SO. Will return the favor. Thanks in advance! </p>

<p>I'm not really sure if I have the numbers to apply, and I really like other schools, so, we will see. Additionally, if you can think of any schools that would be a good fit for me, please share.
I guess either Columbia ED or UChicago EA. Will likely also apply to Yale and UPenn and Georgetown SFS.</p>

<p>Academic Interests: History and International Law. Writing/debating/activism/publications are my hobbies. Applying with first choice majors as History and East Asian Studies. Intended career in international law.</p>

<p>SAT: 2110 (730 crit. reading, 580 math, 800 writing). Definitely retaking, looking for around 2250-2330 (took it in October, am 95% sure I got 700+ in math and a higher score on reading)
SAT II’s: 800 US History, 730 World History, 730 Biology. May also take Literature and Latin
ACT: Am not taking
GPA: 97/100
Rank: 1st decile
Essays: Should be very good. Writing is probably my strongest ability.</p>

<p>AP’s: Art History (5), US Gov (5), US History (5), Biology (5), Environmental Science (5), European History, English Literature, Statistics, Comp Gov, Calculus AB. (Note: took US gov class summer before 10th grade at JSA, independent study environmental science, taking calc AB online course summer before senior year, will independent study comp gov)</p>

<p>EC’s/Service (Do my interests/commitment to public service come across here? Should I attach a resume or student activity profile to go along with the common app because I know I can’t list all of these?):
-Student Government (9-12)- Class Secretary (9-11), Site-Based Council Rep (12)</p>

<h2>-Student Activities Council (12)- Founder and President (12)</h2>

<p>-Representative to a school anti-bullying task force (11, 12)
-Representative on publicity committee and pilot student for my school’s senior options program (doing a project on international affairs second semester)
-Superintendent’s Board (12)
-Student Ambassador (12)
-I coordinate my school’s blood drives (11-12)
-I started a used school supply drive (10-12)
-Model UN (9-12)- Undersecretary (10), Fundraising Coordinator (11,12), Won a few awards
-Literary Magazine (9-12)- Business Editor (10), Layout Editor (11), Editor-In-Chief (12)
-Young Democrats (9-12)- Chief of Staff (10-12)
-STAND (anti-genocide) (9-12)- Education Coordinator (10, 11), President (12). Held a national educational coordinator position this past year within the organization (created materials for and educated thousands of university and high school students), Currently am a national blogger for the organization’s Web Site
-Newspaper (11-12)- News Editor (12)
-Congressional Debate (10-12)- Captain of Speech and Debate team (12), Founder of Congressional Debate at my school, 2x state qualifier with regional awards
-Theater Troupe (9-12)- Worked on playbills, set design, and directed a short play
-Second Theater Troupe (9-12)- Work to create productions for elementary school kids (it’s community service, I suppose). I also did the playbill for this.
-Intern (Summer2010- Winter 2010/Summer 2011)- Organization called WE (NGO focused on creating global partnerships between organizations. My function was student outreach)
-NY State Science Honor Society (10-12)
-National Honor Society (11-12)
-National Spanish Honor Society (11-12)
-National Latin Honor Society (12)</p>

-High Honor Roll for all of high school
-National Latin exam gold (11), silver (9,10)
-National Spanish exam bronze (11)
-Honor Diploma JSA Summer School
-Model UN/Debate Awards
-St. Michael College Book Award (for extracurricular achievement)
-National Merit Commended Student
-National Forensic League Degree of Honor
-AP Scholar with Distinction</p>

<p>Teacher Recs: Great. English teacher (9th and 11th grade, advisor to the literary magazine), Latin teacher (10th, 11th, and 12th grade), Principal (who adores me) will be quoted in my counselor's letter</p>

<p>Hook (if any): </p>

<p>Concerns: Mediocre math student (trying to make up with it taking 2 math AP tests, doing very well in those classes), Senior schedule is less challenging than it could be because of scheduling (explained in my letter), Received a few B+ grades, I work incredibly hard in EC’s even when it isn’t my “job” to do so (ie: I’m in a “lower position”); is there a way to convey the high level of effort/initiative without sounding cocky?) </p>

<p>State or Country: New Jersey (just outside of NYC)
School Type: Highly rated/affluent public; Class size ~220
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female</p>

<p>Maybe things have changed, but three years ago one could apply both ED to Columbia and EA to Chicago.</p>

<p>I can apply to both, but I don’t know if I should even try Columbia ED because I probably won’t get in.</p>

<p>If you love Columbia, apply! My cousin is partying it up there as Salutatorian of her class with a 2110 on the SAT! But I recommend applying to both UChicago EA and Columbia ED, at least you should get some good news that day :slight_smile: Good luck!</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>do columbia for ED. the campus and all are just fantastic and awesome here.</p>

<p>You look like a Good applicant to ivies</p>

<p>Chance me plz.</p>

<p>You look like a strong candidate to the all the schools on your list. The Ivies are always a crapshoot but I’m sure that you will get into at least a couple of your first choice schools. Good Luck :)</p>

<p>If you raise that math score, I’d say you decent shot and should definitely apply ED to Columbia. If not, then I’d say might as well apply, but that your chances wouldn’t be so great.:/</p>

<p>My SAT (composite) is now 2220 (730 CR, 690 M, 800 W). I know this isn’t VERY good, but is it enough to keep me on the admissions table? If I don’t get in early, should I re-take the SAT?</p>

<p>As a white, female from an affluent NJ school, you’re in one of the very most competitive pools. Without a doubt, an ivy or equal will be very tough.</p>

<p>How high you are in the first decile will be very important. As will be how you present yourself in the applications. Your SATs are still below average for these schools. Well below for an affluent applicant from the mid Atlanti.</p>

<p>You may get into some of these, but have some backups you like!</p>

<p>Your course load, GPA, and ECs are all very good so if you get the scores you’re aiming for on the SAT, I think you’d have a good chance. Best of luck to you!</p>

<p>Chance me back?
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Aside from these, I have several safety schools, but I am not going to bother listing them because I feel fairly confident about them. Should I retake the SAT I?</p>

<p>You have awesome ECs, test scores seem good, looks like you have a good chance! Chance me back? <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>You have a better chance than I do at any of those schools! I say you should definitely EA to UChicago and if you really like Columbia, that wouldn’t be a bad choice to apply early either. Good luck!</p>

<p>definitely a good shot. you might wanna get that math score up though. 580 generally doesn’t look good even if you have 800 in the other 2. maybe take it just trying to up your composite. I agree Columbia is probably best fit for you if you like the city</p>

<p>Like most, you have a slim chance at Columbia or Yale, but I would say definitely apply ED to Columbia if it’s your top choice. Fair chance at UChicago and Georgetown!</p>

<p>Well, you did raise that math score, but its still sub-par for ivies. You do have a fair chance for early action though. I say out of those schools you listed, Georgetown is your safest bet, but yale and columbia and u penn are low reaches. You should consider applying to backup schools, but I would not count you out. </p>

<p>Chance me? </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Very strong AP scores and GPA. Considering strong essays:</p>

<p>-Chicago EA (High Match/Low Reach)
-Columbia - Mid-reach
-Yale - High Reach (raise your SATs)
-Georgetown - (High Match)</p>

<p>Good chances</p>