Chance me: UCSB, UCLA, UCSC

Hi! These are the three UC’s I care the most about getting into, and I know they’re fairly different but I was wondering what my chances are.

OOS: Massachusetts, White Female
UC Weighted GPA - 4.11, UW GPA - 3.89
2 AP classes (school only offered 1, had to go out of my way to take an online one)
8 Honors courses (10 were available, didn’t take 2 freshman year)
4 Dual Enrollment courses (A in 3, B in 1)
Participated in Theatre which took up most of my time after school (20-30h/w), acted in 3 shows, and held significant tech roles in 2 more
VP of NHS Junior year, President Senior year
Secretary of student government Junior year
Student Ambassador (basically a tour guide) Soph-Senior year

I’m a circus performer and have been training since 2011, which I spend a lot of time on and I think it’s pretty unique (I do trapeze and contortion)
I’m coming from a pretty disadvantaged inner-city school
Graduated early (3 1/2 years)


And you can afford the full out of state tuition for these schools?

@TdoesCollege Yes, tuition is not a major concern

I think your unweighted GPA will be an issue for UCLA, along with your non-resident status.
Your honors courses may not articulate well since you are OOS.
Did you take a graded performing arts course for a year? This usually trips up non-residents. UCSB and UCSC might be more accessible.
I don’t understand why you would want to pay almost a quarter of a million dollars to attend a public university.

With your story, I would look at private schools, which put a lot more emphasis on ECs and on having a unique story. State schools put a lot more emphasis on academics, SAT/ACT. and ECs that related directly to proposed major.

PS. I’ll also ask: why these schools?

I’ll say it once again - the person has already stated that cost is not an issue and she has specific schools in mind. Why question her on it? Do people really seriously believe that only private schools can be worth that much, but not a public school? Because if she said USC, Mudd and Stanford I guarantee you no one would be wasting time questioning her.

Back to the OP: What are your test scores? That’s of course a very important component before one can chance you. 4.11, assuming that is your UC weighted capped GPA, is a bit below the median for UCLA. About average for UCSB and above average for UCSC. I think your hooks will help you, especially if you are a first-generation college student. Being OOS may actually help you as UCs love that extra tuition from OOS students.

@ProfessorPlum168 sorry, thought I included that! I have a 1330 composite, 1290 in a single sitting, 18 on the essay portion.

Your chances are probably 50/50 at UCSB and you have a very good chance at UCSC. UCLA will be a reach.

@MWolf @“aunt bea” most of my extended family lives near LA and I want to be close to them, I’m not a fan of the cold in the slightest, I toured these schools (along with some east coast elites and USC) and just liked the environment better, unsure of major so I don’t want to commit to a school based on their strengths in certain departments, etc. I don’t think that just because a school is public that it’s automatically ‘worse’ than private schools. I just thought they fit me well :slight_smile: And since I don’t really qualify for financial aid at all, unless I got a significant merit scholarship for a private school they would all likely be around the same price.

@ProfessorPlum168, not questioning the OP’s choice, just saying that she needs to be aware that these are not private schools but have the private school costs. Her instate publics in MA schools are great.

I’m a product of a CSU, so I know the CA publics do a great job of educating their students. Just saying that she and her parents need to be happy with the choice at the price.

I’m simply curious as to why the OP chose those three schools.

@dtrinity2001 What do you want to major in?

@MWolf I’m not really sure, probably some sort of life science?

If you want to go to California, in the LA area, check out USC, and maybe one of the Claremont colleges, maybe Scripps, if you don’t mind a woman’s college, or maybe Pitzer (strong environmental program). Pomona has extremely low acceptance rates, but you could also apply. It all depends on your SAT, and how you sell yourself. I do think that the low income and the circus performance would get you looked at.

I mean, apply to the UCs by all means, but look seriously at USC, and maybe the Claremont Colleges.

You should also figure out which direction in the life sciences you want to go.

When we toured Pomona with our kid, they were telling us about somebody they had accepted because, I think she was a performing archer, or something like that. I do remember that it wasn’t a competitive sport, just something that stood out. I think that there is a good chance that you will stand out, both for your good grades in a bad situation, and because you’re a freaking circus performer.

I may be entirely wrong about that, but I would definitely recommend that you look at some of the South California private schools, besides those UCs.

In any case, people need to know your SAT or ACT scores to give you a better idea as to what your chances are

Op’s sat is 1330, and 1290 in one sitting, not saying it is bad, but certainly is out of reach for 4/5 of the Claremont Colleges.

I would suggest schools like Soka University of America, or Pepperdine if OP wants to look into private schools.

Anyhow, i think u have a great chance for UCSC
and would consider UCSB a low reach/high match
and UCLA a reach

I agree with a few of the above posters in regards to your chances. Also graduating early does impact your chances (not in a good way) since UC’s consider HS course rigor Very Important. UC’s only weight AP/IB courses, not Dual Enrollment or Honors course for OOS applicants.

UCSC is a Match school as long as you did not apply for any Engineering major.
UCSB would a High Match 50/50 especially with a 1290 SAT since UC’s do not superscore.
UCLA is definitely a Reach.

As stated by @ProfessorPlum168, as an OOS full pay student, your chances are better since the UC’s love that extra infusion of money but hopefully you have some other schools on your list as backup.

Best of luck.

@iwantcollegeplz The mid range for SAT at Scripps, if she’s OK with a woman-only school, is 1290-1440, and Pitzer is test-optional. USC is a reach, though.