Chance me :UCSD or UCI?

Im trying to major in computer science, electrical engineering or information sciences
Im an asian male, which i know hurts my chances

my sophomore year gpa was a 3.667 (weighted) and my junior year gpa was a 4.667 (weighted)
spanish 2 - B
AP Euro history - B (AP score : 4)
AP Calculus AB - C (AP score: 4)
Honors Chem - B
Honors literature and composition 2 - B
Computer Science 2 - B

spanish 3 - B
AP Calculus BC - A (AP score: 5)
AP United States history - A (AP score: 5)
AP Physics 1 - A (AP score: 4)
AP English Language - A (AP score: 4)
Computer Science 3 - A

Highest ACT score was a 33
English 35
Math 31
Reading 34
Science 31
Writing 10

UC unweighted gpa: 3.58
UC weighted gpa: 4.31
UC weighted and capped gpa: 3.81

Varsity Swim all 4 years of high school
I volunteer at the library for 2 summers
I volunteer/plan for church events in my ministry
I made and facilitate websites for a small company and a church organization
I also work at a part time job
Ive played the cello for about 6 years and i joined my church orchestra my freshman year but i quit sophomore year
I know many programming languages (C#, HTML, Javascript, and Adobe CS3, and i have a portfolio of all the games and projects i made).
I was a part of Science Olympiad my junior year, and im planning on continuing it senior year
I volunteer as a teacher in a class that teaches computer languages to middle school kids

A UC GPA capped weighted below a 4.0 will hurt your chances at many of the UC’s especially for CS and EE. Information systems is not a major you find at the UCSD but only at UCI.

You have some very good EC’s that are major related and a competitive ACT score but the UC’s tend to be very GPA focused. Since you do show a better grade trend in Junior year, it could help your chances.

Make sure you spend time on the personal insight questions and make them standout.
UC’s do not consider race in their admission decisions.

UCI could go either way 50/50 and UCSD would be a Low Reach.

Make sure you have some solid Match and safety schools on your list and I would include a couple of Cal states since many offer IS as a major.

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19 capped weighted UC GPA and not major specific. Competitive majors will have lower admit rates.

UCB: 12.6%
UCLA: 11.7%
UCSD: 38.7%
UCSB: 53.6%
UCD: 56.5%
UCI: 52.1%
UCSC: 75.7%
UCR: 90.1%
UCM: 96.1%

Best of luck.

For your grades, were they always the same for both semesters? Or do you only get a once-a-year grade? Just curious.

What do you plan to take in 12th?

yeah my grades were pretty much the same for both semesters :confused:
For my senior year im planning on taking:
AP Economics
AP Physics C
Multivariable Calculus (at the nearby community college)
AP Literature
AP Computer Science
Visual Arts (art requirement)

5 or 10 years ago you would have been pretty safe with either or both of them but times have changed so much. Both schools have gotten so many applications that it’s very iffy for both schools even with super high scores and grades. Especially CS.

Unfortunately it seems as if the UCs are very grade focused and that’s where your issues are. However you do have a good upward trend, your courses look very rigorous, and your test scores are good. So certain you have a chance. Having great and passionate essays will help.