Chance me Umiami and others( UNC UM)

GPA: 3.55 UW 4.1W
Took a very rigorous course load at a private school
AP’s taken/ will take: AB/Bc Calc, Psych, APUSH, BIO, Chem, Gov,
ACT: 34( taking again in June)
SAT: 1440( taking again in august)
Math 2: 800
APUSH: ? yet

Volunteering: 1000 in total (500 working in a hospital)(400 helping underprivileged children in India)(50 peer tutoring)(50 work in many of my clubs) + whatever I do this summer
4 years JV tennis–> 2yrs JV captain
4 years V Track–> 2yrs Leadership Council
MIT Inspire finalist (top 100 out of 5k)( contest involving subjects in the humanities)
Co-Founder of UNICEF Club–> 2-year member
GYLI Club(Global Youth Leadership Initiative)–> group leader --> 4-year member
Newspaper Club–> 4 year member–> editor for two years(Section then Senior Editorial Board)
Summer Job at Kumon/Mathnasium
Shadowing a nephrologist
Trying to get an internship at dentist office/ other business’s

Male, 1/2 Indian, Middle Class, top 15% of my class, Michigan sister went to UMICH

Just got into the NYU summer lead business program

I’m interested in premed, and thinking about doing business as well
thinking about Umiami, Umich, Unc

Do you think I will get any aid at UNC/ Umiami
and I have been thinking about Umiami’s MSP program any thoughts?
and do you think I’ll get any aid