Chance Me! (UPenn, Williams, Pomona, Tufts, Emory...)

Demographics: Asian male, senior from Bay Area high school.

Major: Political science (Economics for Wharton)

Academics: ACT 35, GPA: 4.3 Weighted, 3.9 Unweighted.

AP Calc AB — 4
AP Physics 1 — 3
AP English — 5
AP Chinese — 5
AP US History — 5
AP Statistics — 5
AP Physics C M — 4
AP Physics C E&M — 2

Some of my favorite courses!

  1. Creative Writing
  2. AP US History
  3. Multivariable Calculus
  4. AP Computer Science
  5. Advanced Journalism

…I also have 5 B’s:

  1. Sophomore English
  2. AP Statistics, both semesters
  3. AP Chinese, second semester
  4. AP Physics C, second semester
    (I’m not super STEM tbh)


  1. Cross-Country Varsity!
  2. CEO, founder of Lavender.O @
  3. Chair, Youth Advisory Committee for my city
  4. Youth Commissioner, GOTV for Bernie Sanders 2016
  5. Co-President, Gay-Straight Alliance
  6. Chair, Harvard Model Congress
  7. A&E Features Editor, School Newspaper
  8. Co-Founder, Blog Up Club
  9. Youth Chair, Sandwiches on Sunday at St. Ambrose (food drive)
  10. Piano Teacher

•Global Student Leader, 3 Dot Dash by the We are Family Foundation
•MVP Varsity Cross Country
•First Place Features Publication — San Francisco Peninsula Publication Coalition
•Most Innovative Business Model — BizSmart at Stanford
•Panelist at the Creative Convergence at Silicon Valley (C2SV)
•AP Scholar with Distinction
•National Merit Commendation

1 counselor, 3 teachers, and 1 other. My own common app essay is centered around my experience with the LGBT community. I know it’s cliche, but the topic I wrote about meant a lot to me. I hope the admin officers see that.

I’m applying to some colleges. Some key ones…
•Wharton — applied ED
•UChicago — applied EA
•Williams — RD
•Pomona — RD
•Dartmouth — RD
•Northwestern SESP — RD
•Tufts — RD
•Emory — applying Nov. 15 for honors
•Claremont McKenna — applying Dec. 1 for honors
•Stanford and Harvard are far-out shots.

My matches and safeties are all the UCs and CSUs that I’m applying to. :slight_smile:

Hey!! Your ECs are so so so good and you’re definitely gonna get into some of those schools. Also, I went to that website link you have and it’s really good! Don’t worry too much about your B’s, because they are all in STEM fields and that’s not really your thing, then it’ll be fine :). Chance back??

Your EC’s are, quite frankly, incredible. I would definitely not count yourself out for Stanford and Harvard just because of them.

@SMcOsk Thank you so much :’)
@love4studying WILL DO! :slight_smile: