Please chance an asian for M&T ed, wharton, stanford, harvard, MIT, uc's and others

<p>Please chance me for:
-Upenn- jerome fisher m&t ED, wharton RD
-UC Berkeley

<p>Ethnicity: Asian (chinese) (yay...), immigrant, moved to the US when I was seven. So i'm fluent in chinese
Gender: male
Location: California</p>

<p>ACT: Composite 33, English 34, math 35, Reading 28(***), science 34. retaking in sept.
SAT: 2040, 740 math, 650 CR, 650 writing. I know this is pretty bad. I'm retaking in oct. but i'm probably gonna use my ACT
SAT II's: physics 800, math IIc 800</p>

<p>AP Tests:
-World history 4
-MacroEcon 5
-MicroEcon 5
-Computer Science A 4
-Physics B 5
-Calculus BC 5
-AB sub 5
-english lang and comp 2!?!? (how badly is this gonna affect me? can I not report this one? I was feeling really sick that day, but still don't understand how I got that)
-AP chem taking this coming year</p>

<p>GPA: unweighted 4.0, weighted: i think 4.8 somewhere around there, rank top 5%. One of the reasons i'm not as high as I should be is that i took an extra unweighted elective, so this brought my gpa down even tho I have straight a's in just as many weighted classes as some of my higher ranked friends.</p>

<p>Senior Schedule:
AP chemistry
ROP FIRST robotics
Advanced Engineering Physics
English 110 (city college)
Math 3c (UCSB, which i'm now guaranteed admission, so that's my 100% safety)
Student government
IB Econ HL</p>




<p>In my essays, I'm gonna emphasize my experiences in business/econ/entrepreneurship (I've had other smaller ventures also, tell the story of my entrepreneurial spirit starting with a short story of second grade) as well as my science/engineering experience, especially in the program at my school which has been just incredible, it even combines business aspects with the robotics portion. When appropriate, I'm gonna mention the lessons and impact that tennis has had on my life.</p>

<p>Recs: one from my econ teacher, who will probably elaborate on the econ competitions
one from my physics/robotics teacher who will probably write a good one.
counselor rec should be good, he is also the student gov "teacher"</p>

<p>Other Info:
-hooks: asian! :D jk
-income: 140k
-public high school</p>

<p>Please let me know how I can improve and what parts of my app I should highlight to maximize my appeal to the ad coms. I know my scores are my weakest points, I've just always thought of them to be a waste of time and money. How do I mitigate the negatives of those scores? Is my app unique enough from my fellow asians? :P </p>

<p>Thanks a bunch guys</p>

<p>oh and I’m probably getting a letter of rec from the non-profit I’m a part of. and maybe one from the channelkeepers? These are my two biggest community service commitments, but idk if 5 letters of rec is a little much? I really think that they will be good though. Will the schools even read them? </p>



<p>ORM candidate from an overrepresented state with mediocre numbers (for HYPMS). </p>

<p>The first five schools on your list will all be significant reaches, but you should be fine at the UCs.</p>

<p>I concur with billabongboy. You’d be better off if your SAT was >= 2250, and ACT at 34. You’re close though.</p>


<p>Anyone else have any feedback?</p>

<p>Bump? 10char</p>

<p>BTW, shouldn’t this thread be in the Chance ME section?</p>



<p>My % are included within your quote. Incidentally, your 33 ACT converst to a 2190 SAT, so I agree with you, just send your ACT score.</p>

<p>You have not listed any remarkable LEADERSHIP accomplishments, which is genrally what what would allow an ACT 33 applicant to compete with ACT 34-36 A average candidates who get in vs. those who don’t at the HYPSMs. All of your activities appear to be you v. the world type (violin, tennis, schoolwork), and not US accomplishing something together – i.e. starting a charity with MANY students and community rallying around your lead, or Student Body President, etc.</p>

<p>You present as an overachiever – admirably driven, highly disciplined, focused, good soldier type. Very smart but not brilliant. Your 4s and 5s on AP reveal hard work more than native billiance, given your SAT scores and your superior scoring on the ACT v. the SAT. Only the essays will reveal if you have a sparkle in your eye, a creative force that might cause an adcom at HYPSM to want to take a chance on you.</p>

<p>BTW, I highly admire that you have made the MOST of your natural abilities. That quality will take you further in life than native brilliance. Lots of MENSA members are lost souls who cannot seem to navigate themselves successfully through the mundance affairs of life.</p>

<p>OP – take a look here at I did a check on Princeton for last year. Here is one interesting denial at Princeton – 4000 on the five SATs, top 5% in class GPA, all 5 scores on 7 AP exams, etc.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Denied at Princeton, MIT and Stanford
Wait Listed at Harvard, Caltech
Accepted into Penn, Yale</p>

<p>No matter the perfect stats, the adcom needs to make a connection with your personality through the application/essay.</p>

<p>Thanks for the great response Dunnin. I’ve never thought of the SAT as a test for natural intelligence though. But I’m gonna have one more chance for both the ACT and the SAT so i’m hoping to improve. Also, could you explain why you gave me a bigger chance at Penn than say stanford? I’m not arguing, I just want your opinion. Thanks again</p>

<p>You’d be a strong candidate for Berkeley. Good luck!</p>

<p>I gonna add Carnegie Mellon to the list. Any thoughts?</p>

<p>CMU would be a good bet. I think dunnin’s numbers are spot on.</p>

<p>While I’m nowhere near an expert on admissions, I would say that your extracurriculars are pretty strong. However, your SAT and ACT scores are definitely on the low end for the Ivies.</p>

<p>how much would it hurt my chances at Penn, or any of my other schools, if I choose not to take math 3c this year? It’s really expensive, and I don’t think it’s worth it. It’s a linear algebra/diff. equations class, but it’s only a quarter, and costs $1700. If I take it, it’d only be for the purpose of helping admissions. Do you guys think it’s worth the slight edge it may give me? if it helps admissions at all?</p>

<p>SAT is VERY low for the M&T program, and a lot of your ECs are very generic. Definitely focus on the more engineering or finance related ones</p>

<p>That SAT is really going to hurt your chances for M&T. SAT scores are pretty important for M&T applicants because it’s a measure of whether you can handle the rigor of a dual degree curriculum.</p>