CHANCE ME - vassar ED

<p>i'm planning to apply to to vassar ED and was hoping i could get some feedback on my chances. here are my stats:</p>

<p>GPA - 3.75
ACT - 30
AP - seven throughout high school career (four this year)
Rank - 40-something out of 492</p>

<p>EC's - </p>

<p>Link Crew - 10 (leader), 11 (leader), 12 (leader/commissioner)
Student Government - 10 (member), 11 (member/Commissioner of Activities), 12 (member/Vice President)
Anti-Defamation Trained Peer Facilitator - 11, 12
Speaker of House of Representatives - 12
Student Representative on School Board - 12
Piano Training - 11 years
Principal's Honor Roll - 9, 11, 12
Volunteering - summer camps, 7 blood drives, TA at middle school, stage manager, and at a hospital (this was 130.5 hrs.)
Started volunteer agency at school, and program at middle school
3 college courses</p>

<p>Clubs - SIAC (Student Intercultural Advisory Committee - 11, 12), Sophomore Class Council, Junior Class Council (Administrative Consultant), Senior Class Council, Helping Hands (10, 11, 12), Peer Mediators</p>

<p>I am receiving help with my personal statements, my grades have an upward trend and my current average is an A-. I am of mixed race (Japanese and Israeli) and Jewish. </p>

<p>Please give feedback</p>

<p>I also forgot to mention that I am employed and plan on staying employed for the rest of the year</p>


<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>bump … please help…</p>


<p>52 views and no opinions… way to go</p>