Chance me?

<p>oops! My bad!</p>

I never said that, in fact if you saw my last post on the other page you would see that I said exactly the opposite. Regardless of what you say, you will be the one getting the reality check because no matter how anyone “chances” me I will get into a great college that I want to go to in spring of NEXT year. Obviously you wouldn’t know that I’m a junior because you didn’t get past “ethnicity:African-American” when you read my post. </p>

I didn’t say that I didn’t want a social fit, but I would like suggestions based on the information that I have offered–this seems to be no problem for other postings. </p>

<p>I asked for chancing and suggestions for colleges and I get people telling me that I need to look for a college that my family can afford, that I am relying on being black to get into colleges and others who want to correct me and play semantics.</p>

<p>WOW! Contrary to what some posters might think, you have some stats that some seniors, of all races, only dream of. Kudos to you for being such a good student. Honestly, you can get into most of the schools that you listed and you are competitive for all of them. Might I suggest looking into the other Ivies? Outside of the Ivies, I would probably look into Pomona, Occidental, Carleton, and Oberlin. I’m pretty sure that CC has some good resources for you to look up schools that would be a great fit for you. Good Luck.</p>

<p>Do you mean me, with regard to playing semantics? Wow. You asked for schools that “might be a good fit”, but when someone suggested “social fit” and you said “I’m not looking for social fit”. Some of the schools you listed are so different, aside from stats and prestige, it’s hard to know where to go from there. Anyway, I think you should consider Duke, and hope I won’t offend anyone, but maybe Emory as a safety,and Pomona is GREAT, but very different from Duke…soooo</p>

<p>If people are rubbed/rubbing the wrong way, it might be jealousy. I know I am, at least about having enough money not to have to factor that in to “chances”. We are paying full sticker price at duke for our D, but as a junior, as much as she loves it, she seems to be rethinking all the scholarship money she turned down to go there.</p>

<p>nyc stated “there’s not enough info in you post for anyone to suggest a school that would be a good social fit” I didn’t mean that I wasn’t looking for a social fit, I asked for school suggestions w/ the given stats, because it is obviously impossible for someone to find a social fit w/o knowing more about me personally…</p>

<p>And if my question is too difficult or impossible to answer why engage it…</p>

<p>@emmele dont pay TrueLove any attention. reality is that none of us can say that you’re a sure fire candidate for any of these colleges, because NONE of us are responsible for admitting you. HYPSMs are known for rejecting people with seemingly perfect stats.</p>

<p>and yes i do go to RICE! i love it. Anyone that has gone/been to rice knowns that our motto is work hard, play hard, and trust me, it really holds true. let me know if you have any other questions!</p>

Thanks, and I have plenty of questions…here are a few…
1.) Are you familiar w/ the quality of the undergrad business program? How is it?
2.) Could you tell me about how their honor system works?
3.) Are cars allowed for 1st years?
4.) How are the dorms?
5.) Honestly, how is Houston? (I would be moving from a pretty big city so a warning about what to expect would be much appreciated)</p>

<p>Shrink, I think some posters (myself included) are rubbed the wrong way b/c there’s a nasty/hostile edge to OP’s posts.</p>

<p>When one starts a “chances” thread, one must be prepared for the fact that some posters will be critical of one’s profile - - either by pointing out believed deficiencies or positing that one is unliiely to be admitted to schools on his/her list. </p>

<p>As for OP emmele’s snarky response to may post (“And honestly…I don’t know… definitively… why you think I should be so focused on a financial safety, but honestly costs are secondary to my family.”): most families - -even those who can afford to pay full freight - - are concerned about cost. But if cost and identifying a financial safety is not an an issue for her, there was certainly a more gracious way to communicate that sentiment.</p>

<p>Obviously, emmele, if you are (as I stated twice) your stats put you in the running for HYP, you have a shot pretty much anywhere. How many time to you need to hear that your stats are good.</p>

<p>Grow up - - stop fishing for compliments.</p>

<p>I see. I’m thinking she is “new”, and doesn’t know how… dumb … for lack of a better word…“chances” are .

<p>OP, if you are still there, forget the “chances”, and see if there is something more useful college confidential can offer.</p>

<p>@nyc It’s interesting that you are offended, I thought you emphasizing “colleges that my family can afford” was quite offensive. I’m not fishing for compliments…I just want suggestions…how many times do I have to say this? I just want suggestions w/o the racial comments and assumptions… I have no problem w/ people being critical but I do have a problem w/ people being critical for the hell of it, making racially based assumptions and not offering solutions. Notice that I did not even respond to the first comment, which said I could not get into HYP–that is not an issue. I am not trying to be “snarky/hostile”, I am just responding to the patronizing tone of your posts.</p>

<p>@Shrinkrap Again if you think “chances” are dumb why respond to them. Unfortunately no matter what you say I will be applying to all of the colleges I listed above and will maybe make some more chance threads. Why is chancing an issue when I make a thread–there are probably thousands of similar threads?</p>

<p>If you don’t have anything constructive to add to the discussion, I ask that you take your bitterness elsewhere.</p>

<p>@emmelleeee–Your insecurity, immaturity, and racist “reparations” comments are repulsive. You are antagonistic and defensive by nature. Even if you had the scores and are an URM, your psychosocial pathology will doom and drop you. That is “reality” and my “chance” to you.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, I have to agree. While it is clear that you are good candidate, your tone when responding to other posters is unnecessary. On your other “chance” post, you have received similar feedback, but responded with less hostility. Although I will not hint at why I think that this is so, I will say that everyone here has been trying to help you, with the exception of a few rude posters. I have no idea why you are so sensitive, but you shouldn’t be; there are a lot of people on CC who can be very harsh, and some DO try to keep you from applying. However, I find it hard to believe that your defensive and surprisingly self-entitled tone will not leak into your application. As a junior, that is something that you still have time to, and should, work on.</p>

<p>One of the most interesting aspects that I, as a mother of a high stat kid, have learned about the application process is that if you are applying to schools with a very low acceptance rate, you need to look beyond the numbers because that is what the schools will do. Once you have passed a certain numerical threshold, they begin to look at what type of person you are or seem to be. Thus, my advice to you would be to download a copy of the Common App Teacher Recommendation Form. Look at the questions your teachers will be asked about you. Look at the questions your Counselor will be asked about you. They do not simply ask questions regarding your gpa, they also ask “character” questions. If you cannot pass those “character” questions, you will have a terribly difficult time getting into HYPSM-type colleges.</p>


  1. well rice doesnt have an undegrad business major right now, just a minor. But to put into prospective the quality of the business related courses, Rice’s Jesse Jones School of Business shares a few professors with the undergraduate business courses and Rice’s MBA program is currently number 40 something in the world? and has been on the rise over the last 2 or 3 years and is in the Top Ten entrepreneurial programs of 2010…or so says Princeton Review.</p>

<p>2) the honor system is pretty simple. don’t cheat…teachers trust you a lot here…we get take home midterms and sometimes take home finals. We take tests in large groups with no teacher in the room…Rice expects you to do your test without aid if its not permitted. its simple. </p>

<p>3)yes, cars are allowed for freshman</p>

<p>4)the dorms range. none of them are bad, we have several dorms that are suites, meaning 4 people…2 bedrooms, a living room, and a shower (amazing!!). There are doubles that have private bathrooms, and then doubles that have a hall bathroom to share. it all depends on where you live at rice, there are essentially 11 different residential colleges/dorms, all of which are coed. and all of these have either been remodeled or completely rebuilt, or added on to within the last 6 or 7 years…except for Lovett. lol Rice was ranked in the top 5 or so for quality of life? and living situations plays a part in that score.</p>

<p>5) What city are you from? Houston is HUGE! the 4th largest city in the United states. home to several fortune 500 companies. Theres sooo much to do if you care to venture outside of campus. Rice pays for unlimited public transportation throughout the city by way of the city bus and/or metrorail if you decide not to bring a care. We have subsidized rates for some museums, and its completely free for the others in the downtown district, as well as free admission to the houston zoo. everything is really close to rice seeing that its almost in the heart of downtown houston. ITS AMAZING!</p>

<p>"Shrinkrap Again if you think “chances” are dumb why respond to them. "</p>

<p>I am not sure what the “again” reference is too, but I was responding to “I would appreciate suggestions for schools”. I think that is an excellant way to use college confidential. And I think you will find parents avoiding “chance threads”, and even students who have been around for awhile posting their futility. They tend to be more about insulting others than useful feedback, and the resppnses are usually from kids with little if any college admission experince. </p>

<p>Again, for certain kids, I think Duke would be an excellant choice. You have ignored that part of my post for some reason. </p>

<p>I love to interact with the up and coming African American students here! You are all so inspiring! I really don’t mean to be bickering with you, so I will just wish you luck.</p>

<p>@Tru love
"and racist “reparations” comments "
Dude…you are really delusional…check your postings because I’ve listed no such thing. I didn’t mention reparations once–I don’t want this discussion to be about race at all–I have repeated this… repeatedly…</p>

I’m not trying to be hostile, but I’m getting plenty of hostile responses–and I think you would realize this if you could step out of your own perspective. I was not “hostile” on the other post because their was no reason to… I’m not self-entitled at all…I didn’t have anything to say to the person who said I couldn’t get into Harvard or Yale because I really don’t care. I didn’t really make this thread so much for chances but for suggestions for new colleges. No matter what any one says I will apply to every single school on the list. Why is everyone getting so offended?</p>

<p>And for the people who believe that I have character issues, while mentioning crazy things like “reparations” and “I’ll only get into X school because I am a URM” please evaluate how this may have come across on your child’s app or you app. It’s possible that your child had the “perfect scores and ecs” but their own paren’t values or their values spilled into that interview. Please stop projecting your self-entitlement and rudeness onto me…I’m really not that type of person.</p>

<p>I hate using my time to address things like this, but unfortunately this is a pattern that I have observed when certain people post chance threads.</p>

<p>@Shrinkrap I didn’t ignore your post at all, and thanks for you suggestion. And I’m sorry if my post came across as bickering or entitled, because that is the absolute last thing I intended to do when I posted my information. It’s just difficult to keep the discussion focused and objective at times, while figuring out who really has good intentions. It obvious that you have good intentions so I appreciate your suggestions.</p>

<p>Helloooo, emelleeee! You’re floating down the river of de-nial. People are trying to help you see yourself, as you are in reality, not as you are to yourself. Their wisdom will really help you, dudette, if ya’ll let 'em. Lighten the frik up Ms. defiance!</p>

<p>It is very interesting how you managed to get your comment about black reparations eliminated from your posts. Very interesting.</p>

<p>Lol…after this I’m going to stop responding to you, because obviously anything I say can’t get you the help you need and I don’t want to keep you from getting that help ASAP.</p>

<p>I see that you are only 17 yrs. old and you can’t possibly give me much more info than I already have, as you have probably not even seen all of your college rejection/acceptance? letters yet. But I’m guessing that you’re not 17 but a middle aged ■■■■■, who hangs out on the forums to throw out random insults that you wouldn’t dare spew out in public.</p>