Chance me?

<p>white, rising senior at needham high school in Massachusetts (competitive public school)</p>

CR:570(retaking in october)
Writing:730 (One multiple choice question wrong)

<p>HS GPA is 4.453 out of 5 weighted
(Naviance average for Wisconsin is 4.5
-Freshman year straight A's with all regular classes and one honors class (4.4)
-Sophomore year 2 A's and three B pluses with two honors classes(4.32)
-Junior Year All A's except for a B+ in honors chem with three honors classes(there is only one AP you can take as a junior and thats APUSH and i didnt want to take it-i took honors)(4.62)</p>

-4 year member of symphonic (advanced) band playing clarinet (been taught since 3rd grade) with a bunch of medals at MICCA group performance festival during freshman and soph years
-one year member of acapella group (senior year) as beatboxer and bass.
-all state bass clarinet next year, junior districts first chair as a freshman.</p>

intermural basketball and baseball every year for as long as i can remember, JV baseball junior year</p>

student teacher (assistant teacher) at hebrew school freshman and sophomore years
taken leadership/religious/confirmation/community service classes since 8th grade after bar mitzvah every week
read torah at high holidays freshman, sophomore and junior years</p>

Applied for (and made it into) competitive leadership/israel connection program called Diller Teen Fellows, started at the end of sophomore year until December of senior year. doing community service project for it now, creating a community service club in the Needham-Sharon community, also consisted of a trip to israel in december(missed a week of schol) where we met groups from around the country and tlked about leadership and jewish values, then we hosted the israeli group (counterpart) in boston in march.</p>

<p>Camp counselor at JCC MAccabi camp kingswood in maine this summer, have been going there since 5th grade. </p>

about 220 community service hours (school req is 60) at local hopsital. Asked to work at administration building from time to time)</p>

worked as a casheir/bagger at a supermaret for two years (End of frosh to end of junior)
Now working at pizza restaurant as a cashier. </p>

<p>Essays are looking solid, some great reccomendations too
applying EA.</p>

<p>Need an UNWEIGHTED gpa on a 4.0 scale. Naviance not known around here, therefore irrelevant in asking for advice in WI.</p>

<p>look at the graph in Navience, it will show where you stand. In our HS we have over 20 AP classes, its hard to believe that you are in a competitive HS with so little depth.</p>

<p>APUSH often taken as a HS sophomore or after regular USH by some in an average WI city school district. Many AP’s offered in nonelite areas of the state, no grade limits, ie can take in any grade. This is what the instate competition is. They do look how many of the most rigorous courses offered at your HS you choose to take. Your school will report this type of info.</p>

<p>EC’s- remember to check spelling- INTRAmural sports? Shorten your EC descriptions, be prepared to select only some- the ones most important to you- for your application.</p>

<p>Calculate your gpa on an unweighted 4.0 scale. A=4, B=3… (A- is 3.7, B+ is 3.3). No added points for AP or Honors.</p>