Chance me?

<p>Hi i'm a junior at a highly ranked northwest suburban chicago high school (stevenson) and I am wondering what my chances would be to get in to u of i
Right now I am thinking about applying to either dgs, las, or bus. My dad died when I was 12 and my mom is an immigrant from mexico. My brother has autism so I also do some charity for autism speaks.</p>

<p>My Stats
GPA: now is 3.85 and should be up to 3.93 at end of the semester if my grades hold up
ACT: (highest in each)

Freshman: Freshman English-Ac, World History, Biology-Ac, Advanced algebra accelerated, and Spanish 2
Sophomore: Sophomore English-Ac, AP Human Geography (5), Geometry-Ac, Chemistry-Ac, Public Speaking, and Spanish 3
Junior: Junior English-Ac, AP US History, Physics-Ac, Pre Calculus-Ac, Spanish 4
Senior: Anatomy-Ac, Political Thought, AP Psychology, AP Macroeconomics, AP US Government, AP comparative Government, AP Statistics</p>

<p>Bump 10char</p>

<p>U of I? Wrong thread.</p>

<p>But if you meant UW-Madison, your stats should get you in. Additionally, you would be classified as a URM (underrepresented minority), which also would be in your favor.</p>

<p>I am familiar with your HS, and what U’s draw from Stevenson. Obviously, UIUC is extremely popular, it’s in-state, and within the last few years there have been an increased number of applications to Champaign from Stevenson students because some formerly affluent parents can’t afford the Ivies & use UIUC as a (pretty solid) backstop. And that has skewed the admit statistics from Stevenson students, where some low 30’s ACT’s have not been admitted, definitely more the exception than the rule, however…</p>

<p>But back to UW-Madison. Although you should definitely check into what few URM scholarships are available, even with your great stats you probably should plan on full-pay OOS, spending between $6000-8000 more per year at Madison than Champaign.</p>

<p>I agree with JNM123. You have solid stats for Wisc. I’m not as sure about the URM status though.</p>

<p>Stevenson is highly ranked in academics and also has the nickname in the 'burbs as the Univesity of Weed. (University because of the sheer size…a high school with nearly 5000 students) and the Weed part because of the widely covered scandal where a large group of students were caught buying weed.</p>

<p>arude8, you have solid stats…good luck with your process and decision.</p>