<p>Chance me for University of Central Florida
SAT:Math 550, Reading 540, Writing 540
ACT: Haven't taken yet, but planning on when school starts.
First time college student in the family.
Community Service: Aquarium 100+ hours
Food Bank 25 hours
Majority of honors classes, except freshman year.
No AP classes.<----- May take one this coming year.
Florida Resident</p>
<p>I already applied for the Fall 2014 semester, but haven't sent SAT scores or transcripts in.</p>
<p>Thank You</p>
<p>I think you have a nice chance of getting accepted ! Your Gpa is very good (ill assume its weighted ?) but your SAT is a little low definitely retake and I would take maybe 1-2 (preferably 2) ap classes to help boost your chances even more … Can I ask where you go to apply ? I didn’t know the application was out lol
Chance me ?
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-central-florida/1531541-chance-me-merit-aid.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-central-florida/1531541-chance-me-merit-aid.html</a></p>
<p>Yeah, I plan on taking the SAT again, however if I get accepted by mid - September I won’t take it again since there are no other schools I want to apply to. The application is already available online. I had been stalking their site until I saw it open. Just go to ucf.edu then click on admission, and on the side it will say apply now (or something like that). </p>
<p>I heard they will start making admissions decisions on September 15.</p>
<p>Also, I think you have really good chances of getting in (hopefully we both will) that SAT beat me up too.</p>
<p>Yeah when u said it was open I looked on the page !
… If I get accepted with very kick ass financial aid than I prob won’t apply anywhere else … But it all depends
I still am going to take the ACT no matter what lol
Lol can u imagine if we both go, ill have a friend :D</p>
<p>I don’t know anyone who is applying so yeah I would have a friend. I am hoping for some good financial aid too. I’m pretty sure if I do get accepted I will get a good amount of financial aid, since my parents annual income is less than 30,000.</p>