Chance Me

<p>Looking for some help on what i need to improve/ if its worth improving to get in for next fall.
SAT: 1800 (took 1 time, easily could have done better but plan on taking ACT)
Unweighted GPA:3.7
Weighted GPA:4.5</p>

<p>Working on Essay
Rank: school doesnt use rank
High School: #5 best high school in Pennsylvania (Conestoga High) class size: 503</p>

<p>Course Vigor: 3 AP's, 4 accelerated, 16 Honors, Continuous Honor roll throughout highschool
US Gov AP Test:5
Environmental Science AP Test:5
Independent study where I created a baseline curriculum for an astronomy course at my school
Currently Volunteering at School for underprivileged students
Played Soccer freshman year, Did Winter Track all 4 years, And Rugby team for junior and senior
Astronomy Club: President
Intended Major: Astronomy/Astrophysics</p>

<p>Cant say this is everything that ive done in highschool just a rough key points overview, Would very much appreciate feedback, tips, or comments</p>

<p>I would say yes you would get in. TCU accepted some students at my child’s school with ACT scores around 22-24. I don’t think you will get any merit scholarship money, though.</p>

<p>But perhaps the aid varies from year to year, I might add.</p>