Chance me please!

<p>Hi I'm a junior and I will be applying to TCU this fall and I want to know if I would be wasting my time. </p>

<p>I attend a small private school and I have a weighted gpa of 4.11 and the max at my school is 4.28. I have all As and I am taking honors classes instead of AP but I will be taking AP calculus next year.
I log 30+ hours of community service every year but I do a lot more.
I also take music lessons on campus and I get instructed by the head of the guitar department and he will help me audition.
If I won't get it tell me but if there would be a different or better college for me tell me.
Thank you for your advice in advance</p>

<p>I’m sure you’ll get in if you keep those stats up. Just make sure you focus on you’re application, get good letters of rec, and write a good essay and you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>I am almost 100% you will get in, what are your SAT scores?</p>