Chance me

4.0 GPA (my school does not offer AP so I took supplemental math courses in the summer)
Took Chem. and Anatomy my Jr. Year
Salutatorian of my class
Also in NHS and Beta club
ACT: 24 (retaking; horrible at math)</p>

400 Community Service hours
Presidential Citation:
10th grade- Gold medal (220 hours)
11th grade- Bronze Medal (120 hours)
VP of Debate Club
Co captain of JV CC team
JV Volleyball team
JV track team
Varsity Cheer
SAFTY member ( San Antonio federation of Temple Youth)
Rotary Interact Member </p>

<p>Major: Nursing
Expressing that TCU is my first choice and I plan on applying ED</p>

<p>I forgot to add that I am a white female.</p>

<p>My essay is really strong and so are my recommendations and teacher evaluations.</p>

<p>You definitely have a strong chance, but that ACT score is very low. I think you’d have no problem getting in if you got it to a 27/28. Chance back? <a href=“”>;/a&gt; </p>