Chance me!

<p>I really love Binghamton and I really want to get in and feel at ease with all my college apps. My father was a Binghamton Alum and he wants me to get in as well. So here we go!</p>

<p>Intended Major: Computer Science at Watson School of Engineering Applied EA
Unweighted GPA 3.8-3.9 ( on the border and dont know my weighted gpa)
SAT:1830 ( I know its bad) CR:560 MATH:690 WR:580
AP's: EURO:3 US:3 BIO: Taking this May
National Honor Society
Spanish Honor Society
Varsity Track and Field Athlete</p>

JV Baseball 2 years
JV track one year Varsity Track 3 years
Model United Nations Member
Youth Against Cancer Member
Math League Member
Piano Player</p>

<p>Thats really all I have for now if i miss anything i can add it later but i know my hs portfolio isnt the most outstanding but I just want to know if i have a shot. </p>

<p>you should be fine! I got in with a 3.5 or something unweighted GPA and a D and multiple Cs. that being said my SAT was a little higher at 1980 and I have a lot of Extra Curriculars ( 700 hours of community service) but I don’t know how much time states schools really spend on the extra stuff</p>