Chance me!

My UW gpa is a 2.9
my weighted gpa is a 3.6

im oos and applying pre med
my act score is 25

i take only honors and ap! ty.

You’ll get in.

On the app, it may list “premed” but premed isn’t a major at 99% of universities. Go into MyBama and select a major.

my family is able to pay oos costs and my instate school is university of southern florida (USF). do u have any idea of what my chances would be?


Parents make only less than 20000$ a year).



Can you clarify the above? If your parents are very low income, how could they pay OOS costs?

There are a bunch of cheap Florida state school.

Do you qualify for Bright Futures?

my parents make 60k to 70k a year tho i meant my uncle owns a very successful insurance buisness that profits over 100 mill a year and he said he’d sponsor me in college and pay for things thats what i meant

@mom2collegekids i also dont think i qualify for bright futures and my number 1 instate school is USF

Ok…if uncle will pay then UA is possible. You’ll get in.

@mom2collegekids yes thanks a lot for the information provided! i was admitted today.