Chance Me

Sat: 1270
Sat 2: M1: 550 Phy: 600 M2: 600
GPA 5.02 w 3.98 uw
Low income
African American
South Side Chicago Illinois
First Generation
Single Parent Household
Major: Electrical Engineering
Extra Curricular: Section Leader Band, Pep Band, Pit Orchestra, STEM Tutoring Internship, US China 100K Strong Ambassador, Robotics, Study Abroad in China, PepsiCo Design Challenge, Chinese Culture and Language Club

Four years of Chinese
Strong letters of rec (One from Physics teacher another from Chinese teacher)

Essays: Center around globalization, engineering, identity


UofI Urbana Champaign - Accepted (Full Ride)
Whitman - Accepted w/scholarship
UIC - Accepted
Spelman - Accepted
Syracuse - Accepted RD w/28k per year
Purdue - Rejected RD
UMich Ann Arbor
Cornell University
Yale University
Northeastern - Rejected RD
Skidmore College - Waitlisted RD

This is your third “chance me” thread. Talk about yourself a little bit and maybe you will get more interest.

I went back and looked at your earlier post. See

You must be looking for a specifically accurate answer in a world where there are none. The scientifically professional answer is based on probability with many different variables that we do not have access to.

You are a strong student. If you are motivated, pick schools you can genuinely get excited about because you identify strongly with their program and how they match YOUR interests. Don’t be discouraged if you really are motivated to study in a specific University’s program. Although your SAT scores are not very high, they are high enough to indicated that you can do the work if you are genuinely excited and highly motivated. Generally speaking, your excellent GPA is a better predictor than the SAT score anyway.

When your motivation is fueled by your personal portfolio of favorite activities, things will work out, BUT you will likely need to study a few more hours each day than you are used to and it will be difficult, at first, to achieve straight A’s. Take comfort in the knowledge you will not be alone. Remember that the average student at these Universities in your selected major also have your strong academic record.

Your area of studies is challenging, but you are up to it.

My guesses for remaining universities:
Likely yes:
Howard, WPI
Unlikely, but not impossible:
All the remaining Universities on list.

Congratulations on “UofI Urbana Champaign” - Accepted (Full Ride)!! If the environment is what you are looking for, it has a top notch reputation in the engineering fields.


Congrats! I was accepted to the UIUC electrical engineering program as well and planning to attend next year. It’s a well-regarded and highly-ranked program, and even better that you got a full ride.

Given how competitive/unpredictable college admissions currently are, nobody can say for certain whether or not you’ll get into the schools on your list (the only concrete piece of advice I can offer is to not count on getting into Northwestern, Carnegie Mellon, UMich, or the Ivies; they are reaches for you as they are for anyone else and just be mentally/emotionally prepared for a rejection).

Even if you don’t get into your dream school, UIUC engineering is still amazing and it is no small feat to get in. Again, congrats.

I got accepted into UMich for Electrical Engineering