Demographics: Asian Male
Intended Major(s): Computer Science
SAT: 1430(W&R-> 670, Math-> 760)
UW/W GPA and Rank: 3.47/4 and 4.04/5, rank: 63/262
Coursework: 9 APs and 12 Honors
Awards: Control Award for the best program at a comp from FIRST, Design award FIRST
Founder of robotics club (lead programmer for the team)
part of FIRST robotics organization (worldwide)
Board of Science Olympiad
Founder of the Space club
Founder of the table tennis club
Tennis team
Cross country
Redcross volunteer
Math tutor (paid)
Library volunteer
Rec Letters: Physics Teacher, English Teacher, Computer Science Teacher Teacher, and Counselor
Essays CommonApp: Talked about my experience in robotics and how failures drove to ask my dad for help and research the best ways to fix those failures in the code. I also made it emotional in the sense that I remembered my childhood as I walked to his room to ask him for help and it was like a reflection paragraph.
Major: CS
Schools: Rutgers, Purdue, UMD, NJIT, SUNY stony brook, UIUC