chance me!

<p>i am going to be a senior in the fall. brown is my dream school and i'm planning to do early decision and double major in biology and something else. </p>

<p>ETHNICITY: chinese
SCHOOL: i go to a very competitive public school in southern california (70% of the student body is pretty much asian).
GPA: 3.91 UW
SAT I: 2190 (720 CR, 710 M, 760 W)
SAT II'S: 800 math IIc, 760 us history, 700 biology <- NOT GOOD, i know. i retook it in june so i'm waiting for scores to come out thursday.
World History Honors
Biology Honors
Algebra II Honors
English 1 Honors
German 1
Advanced Orchestra</p>

Chemistry Honors
German 2
AP European History
Racquet Sports
English 2 Honors
Math Analysis Honors
Advanced Orchestra</p>

AP Biology
AP US History
Germn 3 Honors
AP/IB Economics
AP/IB Calculus AB
English 3 IB</p>

AP Chemistry
IB History of the Americas
IB German 4
English 4 IB
IB Biology
AP Psychology</p>

<p>EXTRACURRICULARS: President of German Club, Co-captain of the Speech and Debate Team, National Honor Society Cabinet, Claremont Young Musicians Orchestra, performed in three different European countries, CM Advanced Level for piano, Level 9 for violin, dragon boat racing, NYLF/MED, staff writer for L. A. Youth, intern at CareOne Medical Center</p>

<p>oh and i was wondering.. i got a 225 on my PSAT so do i have a good chance at becoming a national merit semifinalist/finalist?</p>